April 2024: Creative and Curious Experiences

This April is a great time to explore our creative adventures and potential, which can be especially challenging as we notice that this is a month of real roller coaster emotions as everything seems to be moving so fast… Then we have planetary alignments, including our sun-moon-earth, retrogrades and conjunctions of planets, extreme sun flares… not to mention the crazy stuff the tv and media provides.

I am a pretty strong swimmer. Back in the day I ran rivers like the Colorado River, the Upper Green, the Lower Green, the Upper Salt, and the San Juan River.
As I was considering the energy of this month, I got a very clear picture of that time of exciting and wild rapids, mixed with slow meandering motion of the water for days and sometimes weeks at a time.

The anticipation of the upcoming rapid was so exhilarating. Then came the most challenging and sometimes scary part consisting of negotiating boulders, big waves, whirlpools, and strong waterflow reversing upstream, back eddies. And then the calm, regrouping and recovering, preparing for the next rapid a bit downstream.

That is a perfect story of life itself right now. The thing about running rivers is that I could not wait for that next adventure, the next turn in the river, the thrill of negotiating and then the stories that live on in my memory to this day…

And so, our world is always full of polarity and swings in events, moods, beliefs, gifts, challenges, like big rapids and gentle flow. Both aspects by the way, are always going downstream.

It seems today, that a key to life is to embrace the duality as an adventure. the next bend in the river of life with curiosity. Trust in yourself just enough to appreciate the adventure and ride it through…

I know this to be particularly important for me right now. Maybe it is for you too… Have a curious rest of the month!

March 2024: Inspiration in Action

Here we are at the end of March, a very active and energizing kind of month. I write at the last day, last hour of the month, why? This month has been in some ways quite turbulent. But not necessarily from the outside but instead from a deep voice of knowing within.

I understand that these times are empowering and transformational. I am very fortunate to be alive now to witness what I believe is the threshold of an entirely fresh and upgraded side of humanity. I feel that I have spent much of my life teaching, learning, being a mirror for the best forms of the human experience. Not always succeeding of course, not without kicking and screaming through the frustrations and challenges…

And now it is time to pause, step back to see the miracles of life unfold. The beginning of awakening to what the world is morphing into, the awareness of humanity to the unnecessary destruction of nature, water, air, each other, and knowing that those old patterns are not necessary to thrive moving forward.

So here has been my stall on this month’s blog. What do I do now? If am to be the observer, what do I do? The answer is to do nothing just yet. To wait, to hold energy, to see the spark in every living thing, to embrace the silence of the mind.

This month has been a month of divinely determined miracles along with the calling to act just as this whole year is about action. There is the conflict. What do I do? I be.

I hope you had a powerfully thoughtful month of March, and ready to lighten your burdens a bit for April coming right up.
Blessings to all in this month of miracles and divine empowerment.

February 2024: Conscious Creativity

Alrighty then! We have entered a new energy of awareness. Ready?

This month is packed full of potential with all the tsunami waves of world events, weather patterns, sun flares, star alignments, all bouncing our thoughts, our triggers, and also our intuitive skills. Are you better able to step back and be the curious observer?

The key for this month is to try to see both sides of a polarity, of whatever your attention is attracted to, all at the same time. Breathe in this challenge to see all sides simultaneously. As the triggering feelings lessen, then the balance of the neutral mind is enhanced.

From there we start new and fresh: New Beginnings. When this exercise is practiced for a bit, it becomes easier to feel the best course of self-empowerment within that previously viewed trigger. What?

The point is that this is a powerful month for embracing a new way of being by forging on with a new way of thinking. Seeing all sides evenly first, allows for true healing for unwavering inner strength, new adventures, more opportunities, faster manifestations.

What do you want with your new clarity? What does this new time in the universe offer for your best self yet? Let this month blend ideas in with your breath: in nose, out nose, with shoulders not raising, not moving, and only the belly moving to the breath.

Be still and know!

Year of the Infinite 8 - the Month of Completion

Welcome to this powerful and healing year of 8, providing infinite potential paths, opportunities, and amazing possibilities. This is an action year, with lots of energy to help guide us forward.

No matter where we choose to concentrate our mental, emotional energy, we will be seeing confirmation for those particular beliefs more often this year. Remember, be careful what you ask for though, mind your wishes and thoughts, and look for what you DO want, not what you do not want. This theme will be playing out often this year.

Problem is that although it is a great manifestation year for strong and sometimes fiery ideas, powerful plans, critical thinking opportunities, and entrepreneurial endeavors, it can also be a time that could drop us back into isolationism, one-sided discussions, and competitive arguments. This could stall our growth toward the continued self-empowerment work that has been done so far.

The key to evolving and growing into a best bridging year ever, is to first begin by evaluating what our work last year has taught us moving forward into 2024. Remember the tasks and assignments from last year? How well have we learned from observing and identifying behaviors that caused trigger reactions? How well can we process our own low vibration type emotions in light of these triggers from the past? Were we able to recognize these past emotions that do not serve us or others…as outdated and obsolete now?

It is time to step back from engaging and feeding our own negative emotions based on our attempt to control others’ behaviors. Instead, build in compassion and curiosity while practicing presence. Acknowledge that the boat we are navigating in might be too small for the upcoming waves. Perhaps decide that if the waves are too rocky, then it is time to choose a bigger boat with bigger, more flexible ideas to steer along in our individual game of life.

The best news is that we have a chance to be the observer this Month, as we begin our journey of 2024 with a quiet, contemplative month of January, a nine month. This is typically known as the time of closure, completion. Taking pause, regrouping our thoughts and plans, gathering our manifestations and hopes are all very important for this month. Preparing, then, is the theme for this month.

Please enjoy this month, giving yourself lots of space for a peaceful pause, taking time out for personal health, focus, journaling, and imagining with a compassionate heart.

December 2023: Personal Strength and Clarity

What a year of challenges! How has your journey evolved for you? As 2023 comes to a close, we can reflect on the opportunities given throughout the year, revisit our old and outdated thoughts, reinvent our passions, look deeply at our self-talk, address our family/community dynamics, as well as our perceived judgments of right vs wrong. Those paradigms whether processed or not, can be exhausting as they are exposed to us, especially through this year.
If we chose to take that deep dive with our stories, and continue to address our beasts exposed in 2023, then all that hard work in the mind is making ready for an amazing 2024.
Our ongoing shift in personal as well as global consciousness continues to give us more ways to expand our curiosity, observe gratitude, heal from our past. The eclipses of this season, retrogrades, sun flares, planetary shifts are all providing opportunities to be still and observe, then to continue on, gaining our momentum to manifest our hopes and plans for our future endeavors. Look to 2024 for enhanced and powerful personal strength, critical thinking, forward movement with intuitive decisions, as well as our ever more powerful link to infinity (number 8). The key is in the reflection of our historic story as we leave this cycle of self-doubt and enter a year of action on our new ideas and thoughts.
Have a peaceful pause and reflection this holiday season.
P.S. I plan on speaking once a month at Essential Family Health and Wellness. Scroll all the way down this website for classes: www.efhwc.com

November 2023: Gratitude and Grace

Who wants to think of gratitude with all that is going on in the world? Yet, as we imagine that despite the chaos, we do have lots of bits of amazing experiences to be grateful for throughout our days. Then projecting that kindness that comes from gratitude, out to the world, heal others.

What if this is true: Hurt People Hurt People and Healing People Heal People. (circa. 1959 minister). This saying gives pause to consider others’ distress and for us, to hope through compassion without judgment, for those suffering, no matter what side they are on, nor how different their ideologies. We have not lived in other’s shoes so we don’t really know why they make their choices. Grace provides peace.

How much of life is truly a mystery, and how much is actually a series of memories that we don’t want to see? It can be painful to feel deep emotions without any idea why they affect us so profoundly. Yet it is in the awareness of the roots of our own feelings that truly set us free.

The picture for this month is interesting. Who would have thought that a cactus could live with a pine tree in the cragginess of a rock, allowing both to thrive? Good teachers, nature!!!

What happens if despite the turmoil, we each develop a bubble or wave of gratitude that can then build up our own fearless boundaries and inner strength, then expand that energy by way of human heart coherence (www.heartmath.org) beyond the self to the world and beyond? That vibration will grow and change the world.

This month is an opportunity to embrace differences, come together in community whether large or small, let go (or at least set “stuff” on a shelf to gather dust) releasing the past paradigms that are now outdated.

It starts with gratitude this month. Start a daily journal, write in it daily and begin to count the number of items, even within the challenges, that are pearls of goodness, kindness and grace in our lives. Each writing, each day, will bring more of the same, knowing that what we sow, we reap, as my grandmother would say.
Have a very blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving month.

October 2023: Fiery Energy

October of each year shows a glimpse of the coming year’s theme. In the sense of healing, this month is all about power. It is an 8 number which is the number of infinity with infinite opportunities for those seeking such self-growth. And action.

This is a strong month and with awareness, can be a big hearted, in charge, critical thinking time for the advancement of true healing and self-empowerment. Or else, burdened by lack of awareness, brings a fiery persona, destined to desperately cling to control and power of others to make themselves artificially feel powerful, and at all costs too, without regard to outcomes for the greatest good.

I was recently gifted an enormous opportunity to deeply dive into yet another layer of learning about the blocks in my own world. In this case, it was to get a “front and center” view of being so very “different” from a very young age, and learning on a new level that what I used to think was different was really simply not understood by those not ready or able to hear. It seems that my work is just now becoming more clearly understood.

I have developed and have been teaching a 3 part series in energy medicine, and I am so grateful for the audience to not only be receptive to learning about how we really heal, but as I just completed the 2nd part this week, learning how amazingly aware and open this community is regarding this energy work.
It is with great joy that I watched the start of second class bringing these folks together in a fabulous sense of humor, light hearted feeling, laughter and community of “closet” energy healers that somehow also forgot they had permission to explore the real future of medicine.
I enjoy using my gifts that at another time, not long ago, I would have kept hidden because of feeling so different. Crossing fingers that part 3 is as enjoyable as the last two for all……

Despite the turmoil everywhere we look, devastation to so many lives, it is hugely important in my opinion that we each link to the mystery of this Aquarian times and step back, know who we are as healers, and begin by blessing each person to help them see their own spark of light. It seems that the human burden of generations upon generations of fear, lack of self-control, lack of self-autonomy, and lack self-awareness must be intensely painful for all involved.

A couple take home tidbits from energy medicine:
1. What we put out in thought and emotion, comes back to us in abundance
2. To that which we give our power, becomes our predominant thought
3. That which we give attention to grows
4. Healers living in higher and steadier vibration and presence more often, not only emanate that energy outward to heal but are also buffered from the energy of negativity sent out by others. That means if we are solid and neutral or in “coherence” we both heal and are protected for doing so (heart coherence).

It seems that per quantum physics: if we spend energy trying to fix things, we are not as strong, therefore more vulnerable, than if we step back, observing and placing ATTENTION not intention to powerful healing.
All great stuff based on great minds studying vibrational/ energy healing modalities.
May your month of October be a self-aware and self-empowered time for the highest good!
PS: I recently did a podcast on compassion fatigue with Mathew Blades in his work on “Learnfrompeoplewholivedit” Attached is the podcast on YouTube. It is also on spotify, apple, and I-heart. I hope you enjoy.


September 2023: Speaking Your Truth

Where are you in your growth journey?
I recently had an amazing healing session of a unique kind of work called Body Talk or rather a blend of that work. This transformational conversation brought to the foreground what I often advise to others but perhaps had forgotten to apply to me. The past with all the good, bad, joy, survival, awareness, dysfunction is both a set of vital tools for being on this planet this lifetime and also burdens or crosses to bear until we choose to let them go.

It is natural for us to define ourselves by the experiences of our youth, especially before age 8. Bruce Lipton was very clear about that. Check out any of his YouTube discussions to clarify.

The key, at one time or another through our earth journey, is to determine through self-awareness and with solidarity, whether those trappings of our childhood teachings have any validity now as adults.
It is remarkable for me to become aware that for all the service and healing work I have accomplished, the threads of “not good enough”, could still linger as I persisted in hearing the words of childhood that were intended to protect me, yet hampered my individual gifts.

The gift of these times now is that nothing will be the same again, the past is overall not as valid in this new era. I am thrilled to have been invited to look straight at my childhood, see that time for what it was in the context of others’ fears, not my mission on the planet… And release that information as not actually mine, now replace those old templates with fresh thoughts of who I am and why I am here.

So I invite you to consider the same as we powerfully enter a new era, redefining how we will be navigating our lives through the Aquarian era as it unfolds in front of us.
This is the month of speaking to uplift about some or all of our own personal awareness and to be present to noble fresh ideals as we are shifting so rapidly this month. The universe is at our service and willing to do what we think of most, especially now…

Start by really taking that deep dive into old tattered thoughts that do not serve. Deeply grieve the emotional traps that bound us as young and vulnerable children…. Then it is important to catch your thoughts, scrub them to your liking for what you do like. Then in noble knowing, project them out by written, verbal or presence to attract more of what you want.

This of course starts with the breath, so breathe by stretching the diaphragm down into the abdominal cavity, shoulders always down, relaxed, straight spine… Inhale nose, exhale nose to take advantage of the strength of your nervous system to support you.

After recognizing and clearing the grief associated with awareness, then observe and imagine gratitude. Recall what brings you a sense of joy and passion. Hold that, follow that thought, and feel the flow begin without distraction. Continue that method twice a day, only a couple minutes every day, it will grow to more time when you are ready.

These things become a new habit DAILY. The breath, the thought, the word, the presence.
Expanding this simple work is the root of energetic healing.

August 2023: The Dog Days of Summer

This August has been a time of subtle shifting and taking that deep dive in matters of the heart.
Lion’s Gate is the 8th of August each year and is seen around the world as a move or shift from an outdated thought to a fresh start. It is an opportunity to pause and listen within for the shifts and guidance as our universe resets a bit.
It was interesting to read about Lion’s Gate especially in relationship to the term “dog days of summer” because of Arizona’s unrelenting heat this August. Apparently that term had an origin with either the Egyptians or Greeks and was related to the star SIRIUS’ appearance in the sky, and aligning with the sun. The Egyptians celebrated that time because the viewing of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile, promising nutrient rich crops. The ancient Greeks noted that Sirius was the brightest star in the constellation called Canis Major, therefore called it the dog star. It appears each summer as it aligns with our sun, thus identifying it with the dog days of summer.
Lion’s Gate is a celebration of the alignment of our Sun and Sirius, promising new beginnings, and fresh starts with our relationships, work, habits, patterns, home. The number 8 is a sign of infinity and so the time called Lion’s Gate (8/8) is considered a potential for greater levels of intuition and spirituality.
This month then has been a slow-down kind of month to contemplate, read a book or two, take a class, swim, hike in the mountains, practice intuitive skills, enhance simple projects in the home. It is an important time to rejuvenate for the sake of our immune system by taking in some vitamin D, adding vitamin C rich bright colored fresh veggies and fruits, drink plenty of clean, clear water.
Have a great rest of August and stay in the flow.

July 2023: Balance and Flexibility

This month begins the second of half of 2023 which is the year of inspiration vs. resistance and self-doubt. Within this year is this July, a month intended to allow for reassessing and balance, strengthening both our spirit and physical wellness. The natural tendencies are to hold on to what no longer serves us or others in the universe, and is the looming challenge for this month.

My friend recently brought up this struggle and the work I did years ago related to compassion fatigue vs. burnout. There is so much pushing and pulling on our emotions as we shift our energy in the universe that our whole lives can feel very raw, bringing tons of old feelings to the surface to view.
Burnout is when it is time to move out of the way of an environment or mindset or career that is dragging the whole self down because it is just the wrong path. It is a time to pause and reevaluate jobs/careers.

Compassion fatigue is actually quite different because it comes from a place of healing, caring and wanting to be continue to be that healer. It is a strong knowing that this is the right path and yet the balance of self-care has been tipped severely toward those who are needing that healing and care. There is not enough regard to self. This is a dilemma to many healers.
The key to this tipping point time right now is to pull the strengths of this July toward consciously making slots of time each day for things that rejuvenate the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional selves.

This month is enhanced by practicing flexibility, so stretching the spine every day is very important: swim, stretch, dance. This is a great time to consider an expansion on the theme of the three pillars of nutrition:
1. Food is medicine (fresh produce, clean water, good minerals and avoiding all roundup).
2. Variety is the spice of life (no left overs the very next day, switch up food choices, take a break once in a while from food routines, skip supplements sometimes to let the body kick in. Also being curious in life, curious trials of food not tried before, meeting new communities, change up what is done for exercise to keep the fascia sliding along nicely).
3. Too much of a good thing will take you down (unrelenting stress, lack of sleep patterns due to stress, repetitive thoughts of worry, fears, same foods, drinks, overdoing as a lifestyle...).
So be sure to add in a good dose of nature, being barefoot, and smell the ocean water or mountain earth. Take self-care including self-rejuvenation by making space every day for a meditative reboot.

Please do a google search on circadian health, circadian medicine, circadian rhythm.
This year is all about learning to be gentle through self-awareness and self-care. And this month is about staying in the flow and flexibility….
So have some fun to reset yourself….

June 2023: Boxes as Stairs or Traps

This June is about boxes: Do you want to be stuck in one of yours, measuring the four corners, making everything is tidy and in control, while the world is changing and expanding so fast? Or are you ready to appreciate the value of that box for being an organized, contained item, and still expand beyond its borders, using curiosity and creativity as a ‘step’ up for flexibility in your life and vision?

This month of June 2023 celebrates summer with get-away travel, unusual weather, increase in solar flares, (most recent June 20th), increasing frequencies of the Schumann’s resonance (earth vibration) which is affecting our autonomic nervous system, and crazy media being so absurd as to finally and so obviously make no sense. See bottom of this blog for some fun references.

First step toward greater peace is to gather your strong brain cells and turn off the TV and get outside. If you think that you must stay informed, ask yourself why and what source are you seeing that is factual enough to help you in your growth? What do you think is your duty or obligation to stay informed in a swirl of jibberish that keeps us in reactive fight/flight mode? What is it you are attempting to control by watching the “boob-tube” as my family used to say? During my work day, I am very often known to repeat, “trying to control what you can NOT control is the definition of anxiety”.

If this year brings doubt in your ability to be self-aware and feel well because of outside forces dictating how you can think, then now is certainly time to use your brain today to validate your own personal power. Where does that resource of finding person power come from? Follow your emotions in the direction of feeling good. What?

Emotions are the super power of the human experience. We can’t actually change the forces of the earth, sun, and stars, but we can check in with our emotions to validate that we are following our most sacred and passionate path in life.

Start with continuing to develop a neutral mind through quiet and soft diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, prayer (including listening to the answer of your plea), nurturing true compassion for others’ journeys even if we don’t agree, remembering a point of gratitude, and listening to the stillness every day. That sets the stage for recognizing the emotions that will guide us forward on our destined path.

We were given so many tools of life as children. So right or wrong, good or bad, we do have resources of resilience. After being in a quiet neutral place, consider what feels right and good for the next step in the day given all our knowledge and history.

Asking questions in curiosity after stillness and gratitude, will always provide a clue. What brings you joy, what makes your eyes shine, what provides a smile? What feels motivating and exhilarating? Put those items in your box, bringing them out daily to manifest. AND GO THERE.

For sure all these changes in our universe are for higher energetic healing, stronger personal power and awareness, lovely potential. It is our mental choice, SO which world do we want to live in now? The new and lovely earth is ours to behold.


May 2023: Creative Possibilities

This month of May has been an interesting blend of expansion and contraction it seems. We could have been drawn to really creative ideas only to feel overwhelmed when too many choices appeared. It seems that being a team player this month may have been conflicting with our personal boundaries with so much busy-ness to distract us.

Perhaps the “gung ho” energy of getting out to make things happen was dampened a bit by mercury retrograde and so many solar flares and eclipses? Or maybe it is just the jumpy restart of imagining new ideas after the crush of creativity over the last few years.

This is still a great month to once again be the observer and ground in nature. The native flowers from earlier in the month have given way to a dry and brown appearance in the desert, but a new beauty shows up to the observant.

What curious or intuitive ideas could be appearing in the sounds of nature. As the temperature warms up, we can find new times to explore, like early morning adventures or watching a sunset at a mountain nearby.

I hope the rest of your May is loaded with great community and fun adventures. I hope your to do list suddenly becomes manageable as mine just did… Please, remember to give a moment to those who are on the other side of the veil, keeping them close in memory.

In wellness,

April 2023: Heaven on Earth

Welcome to April as the month of divine inspiration and miracles of all sizes and shapes. Miracles are not always manifesting as we expect, but instead noted at a later time, as enormously important for our overall movement in grace.

In Arizona, the winter weather and change in the climate this year, produced so much rain that we have been blessed with flowers everywhere. Of course, weeds too, but the beauty of vast fields of flowers reminds us that the desert can produce such a fantastic image of renewal.

So, what of these weeds? Sneezing the morning away doesn’t seem like such a gift, but that is the challenge of a miracle month. And the eye of the beholder brings us to the topic of choosing what this miracle month provides.

What brings joy? What life experience gives a feeling of emotion that is worth growing? I went to a workshop provided by Abraham Hicks (Esther) that reminded me that what feels good (seeing flowers) can enhance my path in life, developing more of the same if I choose.

What is not my favorite (weeds), can take over my life, or I can choose to clean up a bit each day. And eventually seeing the yard surrounding me the way I want it, can be a discipline or project and not a sneezy enemy: My choice.

Maybe life is about growing joy, step by step. So please take time to find that beauty this month and follow that. Feelings that are fun, soothing and nurturing will always lead toward prosperity, peace and grace.

March 2023: Potential Unlimited but Wait?

This March is about everything new. Well, who knew how turbulent NEW might look.

This March brings a potential fresh start. So, at the beginning of this month, I figured there was no stopping us now, and it was time to just go for it, whatever “go for it” meant. I felt the need to manifest! Everything! New! Now!

I attempted numerous times to write about this month with all the hope and inspiration that new things bring… but whew!!! Each attempt at putting things down seemed tired, affected, weary. Even the original choice of picture was no fun….

Well, sooo many things, ideas, plans just did not work this month because the basic foundation had not been placed. Because the swirl of the universal energy has its own timeline, my plans of good intention did not always coincide with the energy shifting master plan….

I thought that the wonderful, energetic potential of starting new things meant developing great lists with lots of intention associated with those goals, which of course, quickly became extremely overwhelming as the universe seemed to have a different kind of variety set up for these plans.

It is true that this month is a great opportunity to manifest fresh ideas, concepts, with new energy, new life. Yet, as I witness the world still broken on many levels, I become increasingly more aware of what needs fixing. And making too many changes personally while so much turmoil continues, begins to feel very much like driving with one foot on the brake and one on the gas at the same time.

Adding the conflicting emotions of personal growth as we are all bombarded with planetary changes, alignments, and sun flares, I have concluded that as this month ends, that I was very much in need of shutting down quite a bit. With plenty of tears and with the help of my community and people, I realize that going within, being still, especially giving myself some slack, are the paramount steps to jumping into new territory.

This is a fabulous month of March, almost over, and is flowered with lots of potential, but what I have learned is to think about things more, feel about things more, and consider before jumping into the free fall. I am imagining this free fall to be slower, perhaps with a parachute, and with changes that do not have to happen all NOW.

So, keep the wheels turning while still giving time for pause and allowing that swirly path which brings joy. And have a sense of self forgiveness and grace (that means me too), so that those new projects and plans will shine back with brilliance.

February 2023: Letting Go to Make Room for Awesome

As we move toward spring, it is time to imagine what seeds we want to plant. This month is about cleaning out the cobwebs in our minds and in our closets. We have an opportunity to observe, see more clearly, where truth vs fiction really blurred our lives.

What brought you fear especially over the last few years? Is it possible that it may have been from outside influences that we cannot control, mandating that we relinquish our personal power? Or perhaps it was internal triggers from past times?
In our quest to grow in a very turbulent universe, how do we process all of our emotions from the past in order to be ready to blast forward next month with fresh thinking and learning?

It seems that the first step to freedom from our past and movement forward unencumbered, requires that we must first acknowledge our grief and loss. Breathe quietly, in through the nose, out through the nose, dropped shoulder, quieting that quick and frustrated mind for a moment or several moments each day.

And in that moment or moments, bless our challenges as growth experiences, and find something to feel grateful for with grace. Develop a discerning and quick mind that sees things for what they really are, and be able to let go/ let God.

To do anything but this, lends to feeling always ungrateful, a feeling that we are victims to the mysteries of life. It leads us to feeling confused, and unable to let go of what no longer serves us as we prepare for March and beyond.

Learn to lean into your intuition, slowly breathe with a quiet meditative/ prayerful mind. And prepare for the seeds you will plant. Set yourself to jump start manifestation for what you DO want, as it will occur at lightning speed, if you take time to listen to that still small voice.

I had an opportunity to speak with my good friend Melinda Vail recently about how I do my work. I hope you enjoy this video:


Have a peaceful February.


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