Year of the Infinite 8 - the Month of Completion

Welcome to this powerful and healing year of 8, providing infinite potential paths, opportunities, and amazing possibilities. This is an action year, with lots of energy to help guide us forward.
No matter where we choose to concentrate our mental, emotional energy, we will be seeing confirmation for those particular beliefs more often this year. Remember, be careful what you ask for though, mind your wishes and thoughts, and look for what you DO want, not what you do not want. This theme will be playing out often this year.
Problem is that although it is a great manifestation year for strong and sometimes fiery ideas, powerful plans, critical thinking opportunities, and entrepreneurial endeavors, it can also be a time that could drop us back into isolationism, one-sided discussions, and competitive arguments. This could stall our growth toward the continued self-empowerment work that has been done so far.
The key to evolving and growing into a best bridging year ever, is to first begin by evaluating what our work last year has taught us moving forward into 2024. Remember the tasks and assignments from last year? How well have we learned from observing and identifying behaviors that caused trigger reactions? How well can we process our own low vibration type emotions in light of these triggers from the past? Were we able to recognize these past emotions that do not serve us or others…as outdated and obsolete now?
It is time to step back from engaging and feeding our own negative emotions based on our attempt to control others’ behaviors. Instead, build in compassion and curiosity while practicing presence. Acknowledge that the boat we are navigating in might be too small for the upcoming waves. Perhaps decide that if the waves are too rocky, then it is time to choose a bigger boat with bigger, more flexible ideas to steer along in our individual game of life.
The best news is that we have a chance to be the observer this Month, as we begin our journey of 2024 with a quiet, contemplative month of January, a nine month. This is typically known as the time of closure, completion. Taking pause, regrouping our thoughts and plans, gathering our manifestations and hopes are all very important for this month. Preparing, then, is the theme for this month.
Please enjoy this month, giving yourself lots of space for a peaceful pause, taking time out for personal health, focus, journaling, and imagining with a compassionate heart.