September (and a word about August) 2024: Pause and Reboot

Over the last 7 years I have committed to monthly blogs for whomever was drawn to read them, every month. This August, it was simply impossible for me to write. August was a 7 month that draws on self-doubt and boundaries as well as self-defining moments.
I found August to be a phenomenal challenge in that EVERYTHING was a priority. Everything was on equal ground in my mind for attention right now. Everything on the list carried equal weight. It was difficult to determine how to juggle the monumental tasks at hand for August.
And with that, insight was lost for the month. And before I knew it, we entered September, an eight month of infinite possibilities with lots of potential action plans …
At the very end of August, when I knew I had no new thoughts to offer for the month for the first in a long time, I was gifted, from a very dear friend, a reminder of a note that I wrote and gave to her in 2018. These words of wisdom were from many healers and sages, including from Bruce Lipton. I compiled this letter including thoughts from all, and perhaps a few words of my own as well.
I share this today as a powerful reminder of how valuable we all are on this planet at this time. I hope you enjoy the following note, thank you Susan for reminding me about this one. Have a blessed September and keep the energy flowing.
What to Do Now: Wisdom of Bruce Lipton
Kathleen Rickard, 2018
Each of us is living in a field of energy - and each of us contributes to that energy through our consciousness. Each human is like a tuning fork whose brain is vibrating at a specific frequency. Therefore, a whole community can vibrate in harmony. By definition, the collective community manifests an energy field that is powerful and palpable enough to support the individuals sharing that field. When you experience this energy, it has reassuring and calming effects that will make you want to stay in this field for your safety and security. And increasing the size of the field is clearly the evolutionary path toward a sustainable new humanity.
Fear and fighting and protest cannot build the field.
The Don’ts and Do's of Evolution
1. Don’t try to change other people
If you go in to change negative energy with your positive energy, it’s called destructive interference. You lose your energy, they lose their energy, and nobody gains anything in the process.
Do: Focus on yourself and finding like-minded people to create a community in which all your energies are enhanced.
2. Don’t try to change the system
If you charge in with your wonderful energy to try to change it, your energy will be canceled. You’ll come out with your tail between your legs, asking, “What the hell was that all about?”
Do: Put your energy into constructing a new system. If you build a better system, people in the old one will gravitate to the new one.
3. Don’t spend your life protesting
Your life is energy. Too much protesting will cost you your life, because the system is not going to feed the energy you need for your protests.
Do: Find out who’s protesting with you. Gather them together and step out of the system and rebuild. Use your energy for construction rather than destruction, and find other compatible communities. That’s constructive interference; when energies come together and multiply each other.
4. Don’t become frightened or angry or burned out
These responses create walls that block your evolution and everyone else’s.
Do: Create the best and healthiest and happiest experience for yourself—and share it with the community.