October 2024: Tying Loose Ends

October is one of the more magical months of the year, showing the beauty and depth of closure. Ahead of future rebirth once again… The trees drop leaves, plants pause in their growth process, animals find shelter and food stores.
And while the sun has been so very active this month, infusing us with power and sometimes frankly very nervous energy, the universe plays a game of hide and seek requiring us to be mindful and quietly alert.

This month is particularly intense in the closure department. This month, we are representing a 9th month from a numbers perspective, showing us a peek at the upcoming year of 9 (2+0+2+5=9).

How well have we been practicing our intuition and manifestation skills in this year of infinite possibilities (2024) in order to prepare us for next year’s challenges of living in gratitude and grace, let go-let God…. no matter what!

Have we practiced just enough regarding our ability to let go of life’s triggers so that we can now play out our intuitive talents. Can we trust in the universe? Or will we see the world as undependable, becoming confused with the mysteries that surround us?

It is perspective really, and sometimes with a sense of stillness every day, we can find peace in the subtle, the ability to close out old and outdated patterns, observe all the amazing skills we have honed, prepare for the new beginnings that lay just ahead after our month/year of pause and prepare…

I hope you find time for quiet compassion and kindness for 2025 and all those opportunities begin with a glimpse seen this month of October, 2024.