October 2017: The month to re-member flow

So this is the miracle month of October in a year of so many new beginnings. The colors of fall become evident while the whispers of cool weather are still followed by heat and then cool again. My poor tortoise has shown signs of stress as she scrambles for shelter in preparation of the cool temperatures, only to pace around wondering why it is still warm.
While nature is in transition, this is the month to ground ourselves and BE. We have the ability to see how empowered we can be as we tap into our higher and infinite self.. It seems to be only doubt and fear that can hold us back in this month of infinite miracles. It seems to be simply a matter of perspective and introspection manifested through stillness and meditation.
Last week I had an opportunity to talk to a very sweet veterinarian. She was discussing her worries with the world and her lack of sleep due to these worries. In speaking with her, she told a story of a white dove that recently flew up to her in her yard, landed, folded its wings and died right in front of her. As a veterinarian of exotic species, she felt it was her job to attempt to resuscitate the bird. She was not able to revive the bird and stated that she felt like a failure. She felt that it was a sign of some sort, and was concerned about her ability as a veterinarian. We discussed that perhaps it was a different message, we closed our eyes and thought about it a minute. The word "FLOW" surfaced very quickly in my mind. I am not used to using that word, so I kept searching but that word kept coming up. When I told her that word, and that it seemed that she should flow with the cycle of life perhaps, she suddenly told me that she got it, and was very much relieved.
Words and thoughts have a vibration to heal or to challenge us. Choose words carefully, kindly and with plenty of pause if needed.
Be still this month and allow the flow of thoughts of gratitude fill your mind as we embrace this divinely inspired month of October.