November 2024: New and Complex Energy

This has been a turbulent jump and jump start into new and uncharted waters. In this month of new beginnings (a ten month), we find ourselves delving into a most complex energetic shift. How do we navigate when opposing sides of universal thought are swirling in what might be disastrous to some and forward momentum to others.

Passion, true caring, and Compassion are characteristics of most folks on both sides, and both sides are weary of the fight if they are living with the vibration of the Aquarian times. Also, those who are in it for fighting alone at this point, are of lower vibration and dwindling in numbers very rapidly.

This is the time for all who strive to carry that higher vibration, and you know who you are, to step back when overwhelmed and just pause. That means, if needed, do nothing!! And observe.
It is important to know that those holding the higher vibration can learn to simply observe the lower vibration as acting out behavior. Notice these times, recognize the triggers that feel bad within us, and spend this time exposing our own internal insecurities with others’ behaviors, thus shedding the darkness within ourselves. Compassion for self, helps us allow compassion for others…

This by no means giving up. Far from that. We strongly, with strength and clarity, are in the most paradigm shaking times ever. That means old junk is surfacing to be cleared. So be ready to fill in that cleared out space of junk with powerful, futuristic energy like never before known. Not a matter of competition now, just noting that the old ways of pretty much everything are obsolete.

So embrace the shakeup of everything as we are setting our sites on the new world. Don’t be affected by the low vibration, stand strong like royalty, and insist that the highest good prevail.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, or like a friend of mine likes to call it: Happy Thanks-Living…