May 2024: Plans and Manifestations

This May has been full of amazing and extremely fast-moving life events that continue to unfold even as the month comes to a close.
It is with a sense of stillness in our lives that we allow ourselves to be open to interpreting the potential gifts as well as challenges that weave in and out of our lives. This has been a month of fast flowing abundance when that internal still small voice has a moment to speak its truth, and then we listen before we act!

I am reminded for this month: a story of a gypsy I met who was a special guest at an energy healing conference I attended years ago. She had a lovely perpetual bad hair day look, wearing simple clothes, quiet, and looking like she would rather be back on the beach than speaking with me.
I asked her simply, “What is one thing you could advise to help heal the world?” Her reply was just as simple and continues to have huge implications for me. She pointed to my forehead and said, “See the spark, see that spark at the forehead of each human you encounter, no matter what”.

I have learned that seeing one speck of kindness where it is most difficult to see, can change the world around me. It teaches me to remember to be compassionate, and that helps me to be less reactive and boxed into my own thoughts and beliefs of what I think ought to be.

Energetically too, whatever we choose to project out to the world, will come back into our own field to be processed again... That is called vibrational coherence.

I hope this month offered some peace and abundance for you as we leave the spring season of 2024 behind, and enter the heat of summer.