Magical and Flexible: June 2024

Magical and Flexible June, 2024
Welcome to the end of June! Where did it go?
This has been the month for choosing flexibility or choosing to hold on to the past. Neither answer is for right or for wrong, but the magic is in the curious newness and lots more fun as we move along, even as we remember the past.
So healing morphs into magic for this month. The magic of BE. As I joined family at Disneyland to experience once more the past experience of my childhood, my childrens’ joy and laughter decades ago, and now my grandchildren’ magical awe… I remember that this is a fantastic example of how to feel the pause, let go, have fun, and live in magic if just for a little while.
As healers we have recently been learning that our work is more about presence and less direct action, but that is a tough one with all the energetic work needed in the past for healing. Just for now we wait, accepting a job well done for now, even if we are itchy to get into action again...
Yet this month has been filled with a definite sense of pause as we observe with kindness how so many very difficult scenarios must play out. And in that sense of waiting, breathing, being patient, we are very much adapting to day to day shifts, changes, and flexible thoughts. This fluid thinking that changes at any moment is so important for our own mastery.
Enjoy the last few moments of June as we slide into the month of the heart and all that brings. So, for now, imagine the magic of quantum healing as we remain present for our next piece of growth on this journey.
Best to all,