Line up of Events for September and October 2020

I am not ready for my blog for the month of September but wanted to broadcast a lineup of events I am involved with, either speaking myself, or interviewing/ facilitating others in their discussion. So here is what I know so far:

Presentations 2020: At Essential Family Health and Wellness

September 16th, Wednesday 6:00- 7:30 Dr. Amy Novotny: Unique Breathing and Body Repositioning Technique. Dr. Amy Novotny will discuss how all types of stress in our lives have physical repercussions that affect our body’s pain, sleep, movement, tension, energy and medication use. In this group visit, she will explain how to calm the nervous system to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain.

September 29th Tuesday 9-10:30 Veronika Campbell, PT, MPT, CSCS, NSC
The WHY, WHEN and HOW of Stretching.
Most people know that they should stretch, but why? And most people don't know when and how.
Before or after exercise? 10 seconds or 1 minute? Dynamic or static stretches?
Come learn the answers to the above questions, plus learn what fascia is, and the principles of how to stretch safely. You will be guided through stretches for the upper and lower body and given a handout of the stretches.

October 8th, Thursday 6:30-7:45 Carolyn Barlow, DO
How to Decrease your Anxiety with Tapping Join Dr. Carrie Barlow at this group visit to learn an easy method called Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping, to decrease any anxiety or fear you may be holding. Dr. Carrie will demonstrate the technique then you will get to practice it for yourself. Not only will you have a
new tool to help diminish your worries, you will also feel more empowered to handle the extreme stress of these unprecedented times and beyond!

October 21st, Wednesday 6:00-7:30 Lesley Bludworth, PT, NDT-C
Total Motion Release: A Self-Directed Approach to Healing and Pain Relief Do you experience stiffness, pain, loss of motion? Join Lesley and bring your aches, pains and stiffness to a training that helps you help yourself through a series of principles and movements that provide a surprisingly rapid relief from weakness, pain, loss of motion in joints, and stiffness from eyes to toes.

November 4th, Wednesday 6:00-7-30 Amy Vander Linden, PT
Pelvic Floor Health and Ways to Relieve Painful Intercourse
Join Amy Vander Linden for a better understanding of the pelvic floor and pain associated with dysfunction as well as tools to help strengthen the pelvic floor and to relieve pain.

November 18th, Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm Kathleen Rickard, DNP Sleep and the Circadian Rhythm
We have many different rhythms that help us flow through our lives. Of them, understanding the circadian rhythm can provide a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. Join Dr. Kathleen to discuss tools to improve the balance of your circadian rhythm.

December 3nd, Thursday 6-7:30pm (subject to change) Susan Del Sordi, DO CBD Health Benefits. Join Dr. Del Sordi in learning how CBD works for pain, anxiety, and sleep.

Presentations line up for
See line up on their calendar at

Beginning this Saturday September 5th, 2020, 10:00-11:00 am
We will have an open forum on line discussion about any topic that is important to whole health. I will be presenting tips and insight about a health related topic based on questions offered by the group. We may include a meditation as time allows.
(Future dates are October 3rd, November 7th, December 5th, 2020 )

September 19, 2020 at 10:00 am join in on a conversation /interview about Healing Effects of Aromatherapy with Karen Janusz, certified aromatherapist.
I will have the honor of interviewing Karen about a personalized and prescriptive treatment for pain, insomnia, anger, and anxiety. She will give tips on healing through the use of essential oils and offer an opportunity for receiving an individualized healing recipe. I look forward to learning about this sacred treatment through an interactive interview with Karen.

For October, please frequently revisit the calendar at for upcoming events. We encourage you to join us for our annual fundraiser meeting (October 10th)..

October 17th, 2020 at 9:30 am, we will have a daytime labyrinth meditation (with social distancing) and being guided through this meditative ceremony while listening to the background of the gong.

We will be scheduling soon: New moon reiki sessions as well as full moon labyrinth walks with the gong. More to come.

Also coming up on Saturday October 24th, I will be interviewed by Amy Novotny online regarding the topic of Chakras. Please stay tuned: