July 2024: The Month of the Meditative Heart

July has been a game of mental intrigue. Or perhaps better, a month of emotional intrigue. Wait, these are connected.
In yoga, this month represents the arc line. In ancient texts it is said that we have one arc line that surrounds our heads like a halo, and another that goes from shoulder to shoulder, surrounding our hearts.
So, are we able to get out of our heads, and use our heart brains to continue our process of healing? Can we be more neutral to the ongoing challenges of our triggers this month?
It is important to be able to put these triggers of our emotional heart into mental words, in order to break old patterns and let them go. And it requires us to authentically embrace our lessons, gifts and challenges in order to move forward.
What dreams have you been wanting to manifest? What part of the journey of this life is yet to become a reality? What do you want to create? And what in your mind is holding you back?
Remember to trust in the now, releasing worry in a neutral and observant way. This requires us to pause and observe.
Be at peace in the moment and if your desires are not moving fast enough, then know this means to wait a bit more sometimes.
So be still and listen in a different way in order to break the monkey mind spin of thought.
This is so important to be prepared for the divine timing of self-healing and the healing of others.