February 2018: The Second Month of the Year of Miracles 2018

In the tradition of yoga there are 10 bodies representing energy levels. The related numerology for this month describes number 2 (2nd month) as the negative or discerning mind. This is a powerful and important aspect of the mind that supports and protects us from danger. It is also a very creative number and all about relationships in two’s. It is a number to represent the longing to belong. A perfect match for this month known for Valentine’s day.
Tattva is a Sanskrit word that means aspects of reality. The second tattva is water and I choose to add it to the meaning for February. The same element is seen in Chinese medicine. This represents fluidity of life, flexibility and a most vital aspect for life.
In astrology, Aquarius is pouring water during this time.
The 2nd Chakra is represented by water as well, and the color orange. This energy is located below the navel and in the pelvic region where the bladder and flow of water is represented. The 2nd chakra represents creativity on earth (pregnancy) and relationship issues. This also represents emotions as a vital part of the ebb and flow of life.
This month enjoy and enhance relationships, travel to or listen to water sounds. Create a flowing art project, a water feature, travel to a creek, hike and play around water. Remember and encourage the importance of clean water, which is so vital to our very lives.
Have a wonder-filled month of February and a grand St. Valentine’s day.