End of June: End of yoga... for now
Welcome to the official half way mark of 2016. It has been quite a ride so far eh? I say eh because that seems to be what one does when one first returns from Canada.
The purpose of that trip was to attend a retreat with the Cree nation, spearheaded by Bruce Lipton. This was an opportunity to look deeply at a tradition that honored life of all creatures and the balance of all aspects of the natural world for true and sustainable healing of mind, body, emotion, spirit. This event was called the Sundance Ceremony.
I am very grateful for this amazing opportunity, and come away with, among many things, a true appreciation that what I learned there also relates well to the yoga concepts of healing the whole self.
This Wednesday, the 29th of June is the last day for me to teach yoga at the wonderful studio of Elizabeth Keith.
I will take a break from teaching yoga for the summer at least.
So join in this Wednesday, the 29th at 6 pm for a soothing and relaxing stretch, breath, and gong...
I will continue to send out thoughts or upcoming presentations once a month. Please reply cancel if you no longer wish to be on this site.
Thank you all very much for all your support for the last year and one half...