December: Creative and Intentional completion of 2016
Here we are at the end of 2016. A year to stir, clean, donate, observe, heal, forgive, contemplate, plan, consider and in all ways prepare for the new beginnings of 2017. It has been a heavy year for most with lots of turmoil, lots of attachments, lots of areas of feeling stuck. If this month feels scattered and overwhelming, you are NOT alone.
SO: this is the month of December to back up, let go, lighten the load emotionally, have some fun, believe in magic, discuss plans, develop ideas, begin to manifest, nurture community.
This is the time to surround yourself with those who share higher consciousness, higher thinking for good, take the higher ground, and all with gratitude.
What can you imagine for the sake of joy?
How can your make it happen for 2017?
What does it take to start fresh?
The answer begins now with slowing yourself down and adding creative fun in this month. Add curiousity too.
Get out in nature, see the unique in every walk you take.
Serve others, donate time to causes that you are passionate about and that fill you with joy.
Focus on what you do want, and begin looking for that in every word, every breath, every coincidence in your life.
Begin now to manifest thoughts of what you really do want for your world so that those plans can develop in the coming year.
My intention for next year is to begin presenting again, to write again, to begin anew with fresh passion for new beginnings in 2017.
I wish you great blessings for a easy flowing, fun holiday, and a magnificent New Year.