December 2024: Holding Space

As this year completes its cycle, I waited to write about this month, for solstice and the shift from the longest night to that celebration by most humans on the planet in an honor of the days again growing longer than the night. With that shift in the wake of the Aquarian times, I looked forward to feeling a sense of relief somehow, or calm, or peace. Instead I woke to a sense of agitation, nervousness, lack of ease… darn!

I expected that this month would be providing signs of our Aquarian years of peace and wellbeing to come??? Maybe that can be true as I observe so many good things happening in the world, that certainly media is not interested in sharing.

Well, now I am reminded that my work will always begin with me. And I need to give myself a break knowing that inner turbulence reflects that which I don’t think is good. And the outer world still has many more layers to surface and let go, just as I have more work to do within. And I will continue to alternate that frustration with passion. The key is to make time to be still and be…

So, in that inner quiet that all is going along as it should after all, I then can find peace. And I can feel better in this emotional game of life.

I hope you can find enough inner peace to appreciate that positive emotions do spread to others and change the world. Please have a wonder-full rest of December and find time to celebrate!