April 2024: Creative and Curious Experiences

This April is a great time to explore our creative adventures and potential, which can be especially challenging as we notice that this is a month of real roller coaster emotions as everything seems to be moving so fast… Then we have planetary alignments, including our sun-moon-earth, retrogrades and conjunctions of planets, extreme sun flares… not to mention the crazy stuff the tv and media provides.
I am a pretty strong swimmer. Back in the day I ran rivers like the Colorado River, the Upper Green, the Lower Green, the Upper Salt, and the San Juan River.
As I was considering the energy of this month, I got a very clear picture of that time of exciting and wild rapids, mixed with slow meandering motion of the water for days and sometimes weeks at a time.
The anticipation of the upcoming rapid was so exhilarating. Then came the most challenging and sometimes scary part consisting of negotiating boulders, big waves, whirlpools, and strong waterflow reversing upstream, back eddies. And then the calm, regrouping and recovering, preparing for the next rapid a bit downstream.
That is a perfect story of life itself right now. The thing about running rivers is that I could not wait for that next adventure, the next turn in the river, the thrill of negotiating and then the stories that live on in my memory to this day…
And so, our world is always full of polarity and swings in events, moods, beliefs, gifts, challenges, like big rapids and gentle flow. Both aspects by the way, are always going downstream.
It seems today, that a key to life is to embrace the duality as an adventure. the next bend in the river of life with curiosity. Trust in yourself just enough to appreciate the adventure and ride it through…
I know this to be particularly important for me right now. Maybe it is for you too… Have a curious rest of the month!