April 2021: World of a KIND

This month we begin to step up and prepare for a new vision of our world. It is a time of wonder and uncertainty all at once. It is a nine month which asks us to observe and wait a bit…
I have a mug that says, “be kind”, and it beckoned that I pay attention as I had my coffee this morning. So, I began to consider the word KIND and how amazing and complex that word is for these times.
Kind: courteous, good-hearted, compassionate, friendly, helpful.
Kind: family, kin, type, variety, same.
Kind: sort, designation, breed, style, description.
While we are struggling through so many changes in our lives and reinventing ourselves, we are faced with anger and frustration about what we did know that does not apply so much now, and what we want for everyone as we watch them trying to find ways to alleviate panic, anxiety, insomnia, old habits and out dated beliefs.
It seems so appropriate right now, to find a simple word like KIND, and pause for a bit to determine how that can be placed in our bubble moving forward.
Through frustration what if we could see kindness, be kind, show our gentle side, address all of us as a kind… Wouldn’t that open the doors for a better world? Wouldn’t that provide access to so much more variety and diversity in life?
Now on this week of Earth recognition: What if we offered an act of kindness that would help bring the microbiome back into the soil, water seeds of new beginnings, provide a snapshot everywhere showng our magnificent earth? And what if we can extend Earth Day to every day with daily or hourly acts of kindness to the planet and all the tolerable kin trying to live in harmony and kindness.
Have a kindly kind of April and get outside to see nature in all its glorious beauty, and be kind….