The Month of May, 2016

Here we are in May with hints of summer weather alternating with reminders of the cooler months.
This is the month to finish clearing the unused or not needed goods around the home. Last minute weeding? I know that is my nemesis.
This is the month for being emotionally and especially physically active, flexible, and agile.
While planning the summer events, begin now to implement some of the physical and mental changes while the weather is more tolerable.
Get out now while the environment is warming up as this allows the body to acclimate to the inevitable summer temperatures later.
Ready yourself for tentative plans for the summer knowing that this is the year that plans will certainly change. That suspension of attaching to the outcome allows for an increase in your overall agility and flexiblity to face the summer with gusto!
Join in on a soft yogic breathing technique, stretching and the vibration of the symphony of the gong.

April: The Month of Changeablility

April is a month full of new and fresh ideas as well as deadlines. All around you: see changes in decisions; changes in weather from gardening to snow and back again; changes in work with great projects that suddenly take a back burner to old projects needing completion; changes in travel plans, once going, then not, then a different time.

What does it look like to have strong intentions for this month while not caring or attaching to the outcomes of those intentions??? If that mindset can be accomplished, the adventures will prove very important and the outcomes generally better than the original idea.

This is the month to get outdoors to ground in nature and away from the city.
It doesn't matter as much how the adventure looks on the surface as the plans change and morph.
What matters is how we adapt to the changing landscape figuratively and literally.

Balance your breath and soul with yoga and the grounding sounds of the gong.
Wednesdays at 6pm...

March: Creative or Burnout

Well here we are in the month of March: The month of clearing the junk around you with flexibility.

That means dump the clothes and knick knacks that don't serve, pull those weeds stuck in the yard and in the mind.

And all the time realize that all plans right now are merely suggestions....
Everything can change on a moment's notice: flexibility and no attaching to outcomes are the key terms....

This is a potentially fun month, or you could be feeling overwhelmed pretty easily.

Join in on one way to calm the nerves through stretch, sound, gong.

February the month of endings and new beginnings

Isn't it amazing that we are half way through February already? This has been a huge transition month so far.

If you work with numbers: This is the year of completion called a nine year. So get cleaning those closets and also the cobwebs of your mind.

At the same time, the Fire Monkey chinese year begins by asking for flexibility in finances and in life and reflection on self.

This is also the beginning of Lent which has a very similar theme of reflection, sacrifice, fresh starts and oh, clean the closets???

Adar is a jewish celebration of joy and completion as it ends the jewish calendar year preparing for new beginnings.

Oh, and Mars retrograde? always meant for a time to reflect, gather information, think before acting????

The culmination of such diverse paradigms have a common thread: Don't attach to outcomes, remain flexible, move forward with agility, forgiveness, gratitude, intuition, trust....

Join in for light Yoga with the sound of the soothing gong Wednesday night at 6pm. ($15.00) See for the location at 40th st. and south of Bell.

Kathleen Benjamin Rickard, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Doctor of Nursing Practice / Family Nurse Practitioner

Very Best 2016 and a fresh start in becoming more flexible

Welcome to 2016!!!!
This is a good year to contemplate on all the strong opinions and actions of 2015.
What do we want for our future, of what do we need to let go???
Remember to remain flexible in thoughts and in actions this year.

Join us in a stretch and relaxation for increased flexibility of body and mind...

Although I have moved my place of employment as a nurse practitioner,
I am still at the same location for yoga class on Wednesdays at 6pm

See Locations tab on the website for directions to Yoga location.



Welcome to my New office for a New Year: 2016

Essential Family Health and Wellness
with Susan Del Sordi, DO and Sara Huschke Emery, ANP.

Location: 7425 East Shea, Suite 100 in Scottsdale
Phone: 480-285-2180

No Yoga for December 23rd and 30th

I am going through some work related changes in the next couple weeks, so no Yoga and gong for Wednesday 12-23-15, and 12-30-15 to give me time to regroup.
Please check in at the beginning of the month of January for exciting changes and of course a reminder to return to your mid week Yoga and gong on Wednesday January 6th, 2016
Also, "like" healgracefully on Facebook for updates as well.
Have a truly blessed and peaceful Holiday time full of gratitude and joy.
I will see you in the new year.

December: Holiday Yoga

December is the time to re-view the year, re-connect with community, re-member family, re-set values, and to re-mind ourselves about areas of self care too.
Please join us for an experience in re-juvinating your spirit with stretching, breathing, and the sound of the gong.
Begins at 6 pm and bring a mat.
Fee is $15.00
See location: on the home page
See you soon

NO YOGA Thanksgiving week ( November 25th)

With much gratitude and good will, I hope your Thanksgiving celebrations include getting outdoors, sharing and laughing with others, and taking time to appreciate the ability to choose your thoughts and words.

May we all find a place of peace within the senselessness of a few.

No yoga and gong this Thanksgiving week (Wednesday the 25th), we will return next Wednesday the 2nd of December.


Back in Town and ready for Yoga

It is time for yoga and we are ready to go....
Last week, I had an opportunity to give a presentation to Nurse Leaders in Illinois. It was a wonderful experience and now I am home and probably staying put through the holidays...

Please Join in on a smooth and gentle stretch, breath, and sound of the gong This Wednesday and every Wednesday evening unless I post otherwise.
Bring or mat, fee is $15.00

ENJOY !!!!

Yoga location:
Paradise Valley Professional Campus
16620 North 40th Street
Suite D-2

NO Yoga and Gong Wednesday, October 7, 2015

There will be NO yoga and gong this Wednesday the 7th of October, 2015.
Please join us the next week: October 14th, 2015 for a gentle stretch, breath, and soothing sounds in our next class.
Have a wonderful week.


Join us for a presentation / workshop for all caregivers and healers whether professional health care providers or caregivers for someone at home.
Learn tips to stay balanced as you serve and help others.
Apply tools to solidify your mindset while caring for others.
Saturday the 19th of September, at 9am.
Cost is $30.00
Save the flyer above for more details...
See you there.

August gentle yoga: Special opportunity

After enjoying a week away, I am ready to return to the Wednesday evening stretch, breathe and relaxing gong meditation.


So JUST FOR AUGUST, copy the front page of the website and bring a friend for free.
Either split the $15.00 or one of you gets a gift...

Location: Paradise Valley Professional Campus at 16620 North 40th street, Suite D2 Each Wednesday at 6pm.

No Yoga and Gong Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

We will not have Kundalini Yoga class Wednesday the 5th of August, and will resume the following Wednesday the 12th of August, 2015. Have a good week and please join us on the 12h of August for a mid week stretch and breath, followed by a lay out to the vibration of the Gong.

Research FINALLY published

Greetings! After a year of revisions, the systematic review developed during my doctoral program, has finally been published.
You can reach the article at:
So copy and paste this to your browser. It should be on google in a month or so if you are interested.
Thank you to all those who supported this hard work.
Now, on to the next piece......
Blessings, Kathleen


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