November 2018 and the Amazing Number 11.

Here we are in November 2018, and in some areas the weather is gearing up for winter while the southwest takes a big sigh and is bathed by cool air and warm sun at the same time. The colors have come and gone to most of the high country, and yet the roses, bougainvillea, lantana, sage, desert marigold, crepe myrtle, Pistache tree leaves and berries, and cape honeysuckle are all beckoning monarch butterflies and hummingbirds everywhere to enjoy color.
So begins the discussion about the 11th month in the 11th year of miracles, 2018. We begin with the 11th month from a numbers perspective. The number itself describes grand partnership on all levels. A wonderful time to meet up with friends, heal wounds, perhaps one at a time. Be outside quietly with nature and the universal power and strength that grounds us. The number 11 denotes spirituality and communion with higher self and the higher self of others.
This month in numerology, actually translates as a time to set the thoughts and ideas of past months into potential plans geared for 2019. This month is an energetic month, guided by the highest good of you and of others, based on your communication with heart and higher power/ spirit.
The extension of chakra discussion describes the 11th chakra as found outside of the body and accessed through the hands and feet. This chakra is valuable for focusing on the mind and the power of thought. What we think and say is our reality and we are able to change our perception of reality through our hands, feet, and mind.
My friend, Ellen and I have had recent discussions on this topic of thought as the meaning of life. Our thoughts and what we choose to think about is how our world is created every moment. The thoughts we give energy to, ruminate about, transform with, be uplifted by (or not), all first come from our own mind as related to that still small voice within and made aware by our own consciousness.
Yogi Bhajan spoke about the mind and thought stating that we each have over a1000 thoughts per second and it is up to us to pick and choose our thoughts. He spoke of not being fearful/blocking of our thoughts but instead looking at our thoughts through the lens of protection, then projection and then through neutrality for manifestation.
Discussing the previous 10 bodies in Kundalini, the 11th body is the accumulation of all the 10 bodies in divine vision, and seeing God in all, including in ourselves.
Angel workers all love 11, as in 11:11 on your phone or clock for instance. It is a message to pay attention to thoughts, it is a representation of divinity, higher awareness, conscious living, and a reminder to use intuition to guide more often.
In the bible, 11 depicts change or rebellion. Tarot shows the 11 card as denoting balance and justice. WWI ended at the 11th hour of November 11. Apollo 11 was the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon.
This Veteran’s day is 11/11. It is interesting that the power of this 11 number and the responsibility of our thought to see the highest good reminds us to use our thoughts to imagine, visualize, pray, meditate on the peace that is possible and the peacemakers/peacekeepers being our choice for military training and use. Perhaps we can be the light as we see such a thought on this 11th month of 2018.
Have a blessed day of Giving Thanks knowing we can choose our thoughts on this Thanksgiving holiday.

October 2018: A Month for Creative Empowerment

October 2018:
In this year of miracles, this month is important for making time to be creative within the focus of higher consciousness. This month is ripe for getting out for that hike you were waiting to do, especially with others who are also of higher thought patterns. Contribute to community that search for conscious living. Remove or drastically reduce exposure to behaviors that are unkind. Do not let those with behaviors that feel bad to you have any of your power. No more. Turn off the TV. Develop steady and grounded movement and thought, seeing beautiful fall colors along your path.

Lets look at more fun ideas related to the number 10. In numerology, this number is all about new beginnings, new energy, new ideas, and fresh starts.

Chakras: Not having been taught much about chakras beyond the first six, learning about more has been fun and also making some sense. The 10th chakra is described in some sources as being about 12 inches below the surface of the earth as related to our bodies. It is a tether of sorts that keeps us connected to the energy of the earth. It is related to a sense of well being when accessed and has a relationship to our connection to all things on earth.

In other texts, the 10th chakra is located above the 9th chakra discussed from last month. In this case, it is called the solar chakra with a masculine energy available to remove old blocks and provide the power necessary to live your dreams.

Related to Kundalini: The number ten is about the Radiant body. The radiant body offers a sense of royal courage, creativity, nobility, and radiance. This is a fearless number among the 10 bodies. If it is strong it’s very powerful. If it is weakened, it offers a sense of ineffectiveness, shyness, and fearfulness… Balance requires a strong level of consciousness, service, and connectedness to a higher power.

Angel’s communicate in numbers and the number 10 is about infinity, optimism, confidence, empowerment, and enterprising. When you see sequences of 10, imagine finding joyful expression of prosperity that the angels want you to know are available to you. The angels want you to be with those who make you feel joyful, happy and prosperous.

Pythagoreans believed the number 10 to be holy. They developed the TETRAKTYS which is a series of ten pebbles lined up, looking like today’s bowling pins ready to go…

Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune is 10, and represents new cycle. See the common threads here? Really fun!!!

So for the month of October, be creative, find ways to be grounded, avoid vexing folks, hang out with higher conscious communities, and steadily find some fun.
Until November, stay well and breathe,

September: Starting Fresh in the Miracle Year of 2018.

Here we are in the 9th month of 2018 and blessed to be able to begin feeling the potential for inspiration, finally. Most of 2018, although considered the year of miraculous opportunities, sometimes actually played out as cleaning out bits of the left over dirt from 2017.

Now, we are given a new and fresh chance to manifest those hopeful decisions planned for the next several years. This month, the 9 month in the miracle year of 2018, provides an opportunity to seek inner truth through meditation and prayer, access the akashic library of ourselves, and realize our higher thoughts through patience, presence, and imagining the perfect.

In Numerology the year 2018 added to 9 equals 11. Eleven then is a miraculous time in a miraculous year. This is when we consciously strengthen relationships with our higher selves, our friends, family, and even our polarity challenges seen as not friendly on the surface. “Seeing God in all, or not seeing God at all” applies here. All this with presence, grace, and gratitude as our future unfolds.

Learning about chakras and going beyond the primary 7, we find some really interesting interpretations of the 9th chakra. This chakra is considered the mouth of God, the Sacred knowledge, the place of the akashic readings. It is typically described as silver although that varies. It is located at the spine where the skull meets the spine, sometimes so specific as to sit at the sub occipital joint. But it is also depicted about 10 inches above the head, with some saying that this is where it moves for the sacred universal knowledge to be accessed. If anyone has ever tried cranio-sacral manipulation, such a feeling is the calming feeling that is also noted with access to this chakra.

From the perspective of the 10 bodies in Kundalini Yoga, this number 9 is called the Subtle Body. The description here is not very different from the previous writings:
“The subtle perceptual ability to sense the Infinite and universal reality within the material and physical; your connection to the Akashic records (the non-physical imprint of all experience)”
Qualities: Calmness, subtlety, mastery, intuitive, insightfulness. Through meditation we have the ability to develop great finesse and tranquility. To be able to see the unseen and know the unknown. To foresee the long term consequences of actions and events by way of the quiet mind.

Other fun bits about 9th month?
For the Hebrews nine is a symbol of truth.
In Catholicism a novena is the act of saying prayers for nine consecutive days. The prayers of novena are of urgency and for a special and specific cause and comes from the latin word: novenus meaning nine each.
The nine fruits of the Spirit in the bible, Galatians 5:22 are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.
When 9 is multiplied, it always reproduces itself.
In the Tarot, nine is the card of the Hermit, which symbolizes self examination and reflection.
There are lots of quotes about nine such as: "to go the whole nine yards" "A cat has nine lives" "to be on cloud nine" "A stitch in time saves nine" "found true 9 out of 10 times" "possession is nine tenths of the law"

Enjoy a great 9th month, focus on what you do want for the highest good and be ready as it comes toward you while you meditate.

Come join our meditation series starting Monday the 10th of September, 2018. See brochures already sent out: call 480-285-2180
Have a blessed and prosperous September!!!!

August 2018: The Month of Connection and Action

Bring on this Grand eighth month of 2018-August, with all kinds of interesting gifts and challenges. This is the highest travel month world wide and most valuable from a tourist perspective.
The month of August was originally named Sextillis with March being the first month of the year. Lots of politics occurred, but eventually what we know of as the Gregorian calendar was developed with 12 months. The honor of the 8th month was named after Augustus Caesar.
So what is with the number 8? First, I had always learned there were 7 chakras but I find out there are many cultures that see 12 chakras. So lets explore the 8th chakra.
The eighth chakra is seen as a link to the infinity and is located about an inch above the head. This is an energetic link, through meditation and prayer that allows us to dwell in the collective universal energy for insight. Interestingly, turn the 8 on its side and you have the symbol for infinity.
In yoga the number 8 has a similar representation. The 8th body of 10 bodies in Kundalini yoga is called Pranic body. It is the life energy connection to infinity.
Prana is carried on the breath, so learning powerful pranayama or breath is very important. It is associated with self-initiation, balancing the polarities of life through fearless forgiveness, and unshakable achievement.
Looking at this 8th month of the year of new beginnings through a numerology lens, we see an opportunity to take the energy provided now to shake off the old and reboot.
Now is the time to plan for new ventures, new adventures, and new goals for the rest of this year and into next year. This August offers an action-oriented energy to help motivate us to prepare our plans with our new ideas.
Take time for yourself this month, time to be still and listen to that inner voice. And I recommend you write to yourself every evening before going to bed a statement of intention beginning with I AM… And commune with the infinity to inspire.

July, the 7th month of 2018 and a highly symbolic number

Welcome to July, 2018 and an amazing number seven.

Numerologically, this is the month to stay grounded and observant. This month is a reflective month, mastering your higher self. Avoid contributing to the negativity around you. This is not a month to act on any wish to dump ideas, but instead, a time to consider all options, preparing in your mind, a declaration of independence from that which you do not want to carry, mirror, nor manifest.

The chohan or lord of the 7th ray is Saint Germain. This saint is known for the seventh age and seventh ray called the violet flame, providing a path for freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy, a new life way, a new civilization, and a new energy known as the Aquarian times.

The Seventh Generation is a concept known in many native tribes around the world. The "seventh generation" living and thinking is to make decisions based on the risks and benefits of any decisions on the future generations, specifically the seventh generation after us.

Mahatma Gandhi listed seven weakness of humans that cause violence. They are: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, religion without sacrifice, and politics without principle.

The seventh Chakra is called Sahasrara and serves as a way of connecting to divine energy and our highest self. It is also called the Crown Chakra, and is associated with the pineal gland. This chakra helps us function in a more peaceful and enlightened way, finding connection with all, and cultivating self mastery.

The seventh body of our 10 bodies is the Auric body. The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. It is vital to the life force itself and extends up to nine feet around the physical body. This body is often sensed when someone is too close, for example. And this body is accessed and healed during Reiki. When strong, it acts like a divine shield, when weak it allows in negativity and illness.

There are seven colors in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
There are seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride.

This is the month of celebrating Independence. July 4th is an important day to remember that it is possible to unwaveringly declare an ideal for good to begin its trajectory forward. Thirteen colonies declared independence from British rule.

In current times, we may do well to stand up for peace, love, community and declare independence from emotional vampires in our lives. We can then declare our own personal growth in independence while healing the planet. Enjoy your month of July, keep the healing going forward as a clear vision for the highest good.

Sunny June, the 6th month of 2018

Here we are in June, 2018, set for warm weather and hopefully some heart felt connections. The 5 Tattvas and associated elements that were explored in the last months, are now put aside as we enter the 6th month.

For the sake of continuing the theme of each month associated with a number, this month we explore the link to the number six in the year of new beginnings 2018.

Six is a number that represents heart, home, compassion and mother earth (Gaia).

In numerology, six is an expression of sacred space. This is a good time to honor our sacred physical selves as well as our sacred home that extends from the roof over your head to all of mother earth.

The 6th chakra is called AJNA or the “third eye” and is the center for intuition and awareness. AJNA is accessed through meditation. Ever hear of using your sixth sense? That “knowing” about something when there are no tangible ways for you to have known? That is your 6th chakra at work.

When considering the ten bodies: the sixth body is called the arcline. It is energy extending from ear to ear like a halo. It is associated with the pituitary gland, glandular balance, and the nervous system. It is our protection and our balance between heaven and earth. This body is associated our ability to focus, and access intuition. When out of balance, we feel a lack of focus and swings of mood.

There are six different sensations of taste in a form of medicine called Ayurveda. And they represent sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. These preferences of taste are used to heal the body. The summer time has its own energy or dosha. This energy for summer is seen as fire/water. Recommended foods at this time are cooling foods: fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables such as berries, cucumber, watermelon, leafy greens as well as many oils like ghee, coconut, olive, avocado…

Did you know, a bee hive has six sided hexagon shaped cells for the collection of honey.

In this, the 6th month, I entered the 6th decade of my life. My reaction took me by surprise, and I have taken some time to regain momentum. After reflection, it occurs to me that this is the time to turn to service and teaching, to giving back, and to finding deep roots in daily gratitude.

June is a good time to get out, be active for the sake of the physical body, emotional health and for service to others with compassion. Have a wonderful sixth month of 2018.

Important Upcoming Workshop on Hope and Healing

Healing Hearts Workshop offers a sensitive and sincere opportunity to support the grief process for those who are searching for tools to cope with the loss of a loved one from suicide or drug addiction. Please join EricsHouse for a workshop on June 1, and June 2.. to help facilitate healing. See brochure below and for more information please visit

May 2018, the month for a RE-TREAT

May 2018 has arrived in our year of new beginnings with a strong urge to just STOP. The number five here may represent flexibility, balance, and endurance. With so much going on prior to May this year, it might be time to slow down and regroup. So this is the month to pause and perhaps take or plan a break.

This is the perfect month to decide on summer activities and definitely start before this month is over. Consider a plan now for getting the body moving this month to build momentum for over the hot summer. Swimming comes to mind, or hikes in the high country, or travel, maybe an ocean experiences??? I smell the pines after a fresh rain as I think of this, or maybe the crash of the waves as the sun sets on the pacific.

This 5th month is our chance to discuss the fifth and final tattva called ether. Ether is subtle, and a gateway to spirituality. It is considered to be a place of silence called shuniya, a still point of being, and a sense of awareness in between the thoughts. During this month of a potential retreat, consider a slow diaphragmatic breathing meditation to find that quiet place in your mind to reset.

The fifth chakra for the month of May is located around the throat area and is called Vishuddha.
It is related to the teacher, planting seeds of knowledge, speaking the truth in communication, and projection of the word or thought. During this month, consider how to re-set, re-phrase, re-member, re-mind, re-present our truth for the highest good.

Shadow side of the 5th chakra? This can be seen as: lethargy, weakness, shy, voice problems, insecurity, fear of opinions. Instead, look at this month with gratitude and grace. And find peace in stillness this month. It will certainly serve you well…

And for everyone who nurtures other beings whether family, friends, children, pets, animals, trees…… HAPPY AND BLESSED MOTHER’S DAY MONTH!!!


April 2018: Heartfelt Plans

Hmm, April is half over and we made it through a holiday, a full moon, some glitches with sun spots and the retrograde. So now we look at the number 4 (as in the fourth month) in this year of miracles and new beginnings in 2018.
Tattvas is a Sanskrit term meaning aspects or elements of reality. This month we explore the 4th tattva, which is air. Air, and the breath needed to get air, provide more benefits than just the obvious survival. I remember being taught that breathing was an automatic function of being human and just occurred, not needing thought or any participation in the deal, much as the beating of the heart. That turns out to be only partially true. The mechanism of breathing is so much more as it affects the autonomic nervous system. By changing our breath and breathing patterns consciously and with purpose, our entire bodies and minds change.

Yoga teaches this concept which was a reason for me to study this topic for my doctorate. The outcome of my research showed that the ability to choose HOW we breathe affects blood pressure, immune system, lipids, and many more functions. For more information on my research, see my published paper at: and titled: Breathing Techniques Associated with Improved Health Outcomes.

The number 4 in the world of the swirling energy of chakras is the heart or ANAHATA. This is a place of building sacred space, of using our heart felt intuition, or as I have often been told, “get out of your head and let your heart guide”. When the heart chakra isn’t in balance, we seem more prone to heart ailments, cardiac dis-ease, or lung issues like cough or pneumonia type symptoms. This chakra is the color green and represents joy, compassion, love, peace. The challenge can be sadness, grief, or loss. Following the heart is the bridge to peace.
In the world of numbers, the four represents planting seeds in the garden of life, developing plans, developing sacred space but not necessarily executing a final plan yet.

Combining the different representations of this 4th month, this is a special time for learning new and empowering breathing techniques, and to begin our plan for a more peaceful existence. This is a great opportunity to practice taking time to breathe, meditate, plan, imagine, and begin to trust intuition more and more.

Simply take time to be still, and listen to the soft voice from your heart.
Have a great rest of your month of April, 2018.

March: The Third Month of Miraculous New Beginnings in 2018

Spring represents all things fresh bright and colorful. Flowers bloom (if it isn’t still snowing), hope of new birth, fresh ideas, and creative endeavors are given birth this month.

In the world of numbers: the number 3 is often thought of as creative, bright, team playing, expressive, artistic. It sometimes could leave us scattered, incomplete, ungrounded, and sad too.

The third chakra is located at and around the solar plexus and is related to the will, personal power, self-esteem, commitments, and identity. It is represented by the color yellow and is called Manipura. Physically this area is related to the adrenals, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach.

Regarding the third Tattva: It is represented by the fire element, will, self-esteem, and self confidence. It is associated with the color yellow, and is related to vision.

So what would nourish and encourage the best for this 3rd month of 2018?

First: GET OUTSIDE every day and see the brightness as much as you can! The sun is so healing, it is the essential fire part of our lives. There is so much research on the emotional and physical health benefits of vitamin D from the sun.

Second: Breathe from the belly and imagine speaking to others from this area for a more empowered voice for what you do want.

Third: Learn about breath of fire. It is a rapid breath through the nose, sort of like sniffing except done by contracting the stomach muscles to exhale through the nose. The exhale through the nose is audible, and then the inhale through the nose is passive. Takes a little practice but is very powerful and empowering for this month.

Have a great hike outside and a wonderful Easter!

February 2018: The Second Month of the Year of Miracles 2018

In the tradition of yoga there are 10 bodies representing energy levels. The related numerology for this month describes number 2 (2nd month) as the negative or discerning mind. This is a powerful and important aspect of the mind that supports and protects us from danger. It is also a very creative number and all about relationships in two’s. It is a number to represent the longing to belong. A perfect match for this month known for Valentine’s day.

Tattva is a Sanskrit word that means aspects of reality. The second tattva is water and I choose to add it to the meaning for February. The same element is seen in Chinese medicine. This represents fluidity of life, flexibility and a most vital aspect for life.

In astrology, Aquarius is pouring water during this time.

The 2nd Chakra is represented by water as well, and the color orange. This energy is located below the navel and in the pelvic region where the bladder and flow of water is represented. The 2nd chakra represents creativity on earth (pregnancy) and relationship issues. This also represents emotions as a vital part of the ebb and flow of life.

This month enjoy and enhance relationships, travel to or listen to water sounds. Create a flowing art project, a water feature, travel to a creek, hike and play around water. Remember and encourage the importance of clean water, which is so vital to our very lives.

Have a wonder-filled month of February and a grand St. Valentine’s day.

2018: Miracle of the 11 year among 12 coincidences

2018-Miracle of the 11 Year Among 12 Coincidences

Welcome to the new year of miracles 2018. This is a time for blending into your lives the intention of being and doing for the highest good of self and others as a mirror of self. Think about that one… That is a big mouthful indeed.

If this is the year to manifest a feeling of wellbeing as our given right, how do we get there? Prayerfully chant to drop bad feelings such as fear, guilt, control, and replace that negative gap of energy with thoughts that foster wellbeing. And that means wellbeing of self and BE. If we feel better and better, we project that, we mirror that, and in that place we are able to serve others….

I have chosen to work with monthly numbers for 2018, less as a sense of numerology, and more through the lens of coincidences of how numbers repeat and what they might represent from an energy perspective for 2018.

As an example it is very interesting that the number 12 shows up so often: 12 months, 12 chinese meridians, 12 planets, 12 days of Christmas, 12 archangels, 12 stations of the cross, 12 virtues of Aristotle, and in many countries… 12 chakras.

Chakras are an interdependent energetic system in the body, connecting to one another through the neurological, endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. They are believed to spin at different frequencies from each other and change depending on emotional input of the individual.

Chakras can facilitate awareness of emotions through physical manifestations. Future investigations may reveal that gap junctions, which are located between neurons in specific areas along the spine and arising during embryonic development, are the locations for chakras.

Describing simple words or phrases, derived from a basic understanding of this emotional association to chakras and physical ailments, can be a very important way to assist in complete healing.

January as the first month of this year of miracles:
The 1st chakra, called Muladhara, is located at the area of the coccyx, base of spine, anal, sex organs, lower pelvic area. It represents relationship to earth and the universal truth of “all are one “, and is associated with the color red.

Conversations could be related to survival, security, family or group safety, justice, physical survival, trust, order, habits and self acceptance.

One example of healing the 1st chakra and the whole self is related to Earthing or Grounding. Research shows that being in physical touch with the electromagnetic field of the earth rhythm will calm and alleviate pain. Bare feet on grass, rock, bare cement serve as conduit to our most basic health needs.
There are electromagnetic field mats available as an example of improving technology, but I personally prefer bare feet and rocks….. check it out… and BE – WELL.
Stay grounded this month, remember to take care of our precious earth, consider manifesting self acceptance and trust for a better functioning first chakra..

December: Connection and Community 2017

December is a month that carries so much weight that I struggled with how to write about it. It is a month of celebration, family, friends, joy, stress, weather changes, people changes, food changes, food traditions, expectations, disappointments, fun, laughter, and much more all rolled into one small speck of time. And everyone has their own opinion about the correct way to celebrate this month.
I had an unusual opportunity to visit Manhattan for a few days last week to see the lights and festivities for the holidays.
The most important part for me is the subtle bits among all the glitter.
The bright and festive Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center was spectacular.
The adventures in the ever-changing access (due to maintenance?) in the subway was boggling. while the patience of the locals was inspiring.
The three day old snow laying over Central Park felt romantic and peaceful.
The rhythm of so many dancers in synchrony at the Rockette's was just amazing.
And as I observed vast numbers of people obviously from around the world coming together for the fun of it, I began to realize the root of our country during that short visit, an example of the melting pot of humanity.
Did you know that at the memorial of 9-11, there are names etched in the memorial all around the two square fountains. More important to me was that so many of those names were not easily pronounced by me. So many there who suffered that day did not have stereotypical names like Jones, Smith, etc..... think about that, I have been
And visiting the Statue of Liberty, when was the last time anyone sited the words of a Jewish female poet, Emma Lazarus, as she gave her ideas regarding the importance of what the statue represented: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...... "
In this season of community and connection, re-member to be kind, tolerant and giving. Re-member to serve others in order to serve your own soul. Re-member to embrace diversity, it has and will always serve us well.
Beginning January: I will be working through each month in relationship to the chakras, tattvas, the native traditions, the ten bodies, color, all of which connect to each other. I hope this will be fun to read. With 2018 being the year of miracles, we will find vast and sometimes strange gifts and stressful packages.
And the journey continues until our last breath, have a wonderful, peaceful end of 2017 and a blessed 2018.

November 2017: The month for imagination and gratitude

WoW! This month seems like it has taken off like a race horse. So far, this November has surely been a very active one.
This is the month of creativity or burn out in the year of new beginnings. As we get a glimpse of all our options and possibilities, this can also be a very tense and demanding month.

In the continued theme of new beginnings for 2017, the question still remains: What DO you want? What WILL make a difference? What WILL bring joy? What WILL nurture the soul?

The answers lie in first taking time every day to pause, step back, use discernment for EVERYTHING, take nothing and NO ONE'S opinion for granted. When we are able to see all sides for just a moment, and reflect on the mirror we all are to each other, then we can imagine new and fresh ideas for what we DO want. And since this is a powerfully active month, we have the chance to move forward with what we want with humor and gratitude.

Here is the dilemma. This month is also about creative balance. When this fast moving month provides numerous opportunities, it is also our project to intuitively see these great ideas AND to avoid that feeling of being spread too thin by choosing just a few of the options.

So which of the options do we choose? Find your answer by quieting the mind, and then choose based on what brings joy, light, community, laughter, service to others, peace, and fairness.

Now write, sing, play, plan, and draw these chosen and joyful options while reconnecting with others during the month of giving thanks with gratitude to all your tribal members.
Happy days of giving thanks!

October 2017: The month to re-member flow

So this is the miracle month of October in a year of so many new beginnings. The colors of fall become evident while the whispers of cool weather are still followed by heat and then cool again. My poor tortoise has shown signs of stress as she scrambles for shelter in preparation of the cool temperatures, only to pace around wondering why it is still warm.
While nature is in transition, this is the month to ground ourselves and BE. We have the ability to see how empowered we can be as we tap into our higher and infinite self.. It seems to be only doubt and fear that can hold us back in this month of infinite miracles. It seems to be simply a matter of perspective and introspection manifested through stillness and meditation.
Last week I had an opportunity to talk to a very sweet veterinarian. She was discussing her worries with the world and her lack of sleep due to these worries. In speaking with her, she told a story of a white dove that recently flew up to her in her yard, landed, folded its wings and died right in front of her. As a veterinarian of exotic species, she felt it was her job to attempt to resuscitate the bird. She was not able to revive the bird and stated that she felt like a failure. She felt that it was a sign of some sort, and was concerned about her ability as a veterinarian. We discussed that perhaps it was a different message, we closed our eyes and thought about it a minute. The word "FLOW" surfaced very quickly in my mind. I am not used to using that word, so I kept searching but that word kept coming up. When I told her that word, and that it seemed that she should flow with the cycle of life perhaps, she suddenly told me that she got it, and was very much relieved.
Words and thoughts have a vibration to heal or to challenge us. Choose words carefully, kindly and with plenty of pause if needed.
Be still this month and allow the flow of thoughts of gratitude fill your mind as we embrace this divinely inspired month of October.


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