January 2020: New Beginnings with Eyes Wide Open!

Here we are: A decade that has been long awaited by many spiritual and healing circles. No matter where we look, this anticipated decade offers more hope and greater potential than any other. For many, this year offers at least a breath of fresh air after such an enormous roller coaster polarity seen in the year of 2019.

That is not to say this year will be free of challenges, of course growth always comes with challenges, it cannot be any other way. Sometimes the body demands a retreat to better give pause, so I recommend listening to your body early and often to quickly realign. Get enough rest, breathe, and find resources to help define and support what is needed for healing from your concerns and challenges. Look straight at the challenges, see through them to a best, kind, and more resilient way of living.

This is the year of new beginnings, planting seeds, setting the stage for this decade. What have you dabbled with over the last few years, and did you like some of what you explored? And more importantly, did any of those projects and plans allow you to provide service to others as you prosper?

Search for those pearls that allow you and others to have an abundant life of giving and receiving while focusing on true peace and prosperity. Begin to focus on what you do want for the planet and everything / everyone on this precious earth. Anything less than that is wasting energy that is intended for our growth.
So plant your seeds of graceful gifts to the universe, take time to breathe through to the next step as you carry gratitude that you are being carried in your work for the highest good.

Please visit the fireside chat blog about 2020 as spoken by Sangeet at www.healingsource.com Look for her blog section and give yourself a 7 minute conversation of hope.
Welcome to your higher self and the ability to see and grow the spark in everything around you.

December 2019: Pause and Reflect

I had an unusual conversation with an unlikely yet amazingly wise woman at a workshop I went to this month. The workshop was brimming with beautiful souls seeking ways to help others. The way of such healing in this case is called The Reconnections and is taught by a chiropractor named Eric Pearl. For more information about this healing work see: (www.thereconnection.com)

Eric brought in a special guest, a woman who helped him understand his newly found gifts for healing. This elderly woman, named Cipora, was very nervous about speaking so she read a series of her own poems to the audience. One of the poems really touched me with lovely verse offering hope.

I approached this woman later in the evening and asked her what insight she might have for hope of this world, because I felt she might have understood my question based on the beautiful poem that she offered to us. She then spoke simple, truthful words that were so lovely and kind.

She said, “Remember that this world is and always will be a planet of both light and dark. It is also true that there is far, far, far more light than dark. Darkness cannot continue to be dark as long as a spark is introduced. Just like a match in a dark room will remove dark, seeing light in others dispels their dark. It is your job to seek out and see the spark in everyone. Be the Spark. See the spark, so it can dispel the darkness in even the most darkened corners. See the spark in everyone and that spark will grow.” She said that to me, pointing her finger toward my forehead while meeting my eyes in such a wonderful kindness.

So I end 2019, a most challenging year in so many ways, with hope and light. I am also fortunate to have had wonderful guidance from those who have studied under Yogi Bhajan because he said very similar things about the polarity of darkness and light and to serve by being the light. So I have heard these words before in slightly different ways.

I pause, breathe, and reflect as I brace myself with hope for the new beginnings of 2020 with lightening speed. Be the light that sees the many sparks of light as we understand and overcome darkness one spark at a time.

Many Blessings for your special holiday celebrations. See you in 2020.

November 2019: The Month for Retrograde and Flexibility

Reading about mercury retrograde is always a curious thing for me. Even though I am a little uncertain, I take heed enough to be still and contemplate my world during those times. We have entered one of those months now, and it could be a very emotional month indeed.
This has been a “3” year (2+0+1+9, then 1+2) involving numerous opportunities, not only for wonderful and creative endeavors, but also a chance for way too many moments of overload and burn out as we choose ALL kinds of things to add to our must do lists.
So this month of November is very important as we enter the time of Mercury Retrograde. It is inviting us to either emotionally and perhaps REGRETABLY express our anger, rage, and hostility, or choose to sit back and consider our year of too many projects, gracefully observing, letting things flow and roll off our backs. This is the time for waiting for the bite of this Retrograde to pass, some time at the end of November.
So what to do while surrendering to the outward appearance of chaos? A beneficial part of this November is to remind us, while we are waiting, to remain flexible and particularly conscious of our health both mentally and physically. Now is a great time for yoga to stretch, and breathing meditations to remain calm.
When was the last time you had a massage? Great chance now, especially a massage that directly affects the fascia, that sticky stuff between muscles that makes us physically inflexible from overuse and trauma. Attached is a great YouTube video, very much worth watching, to understand how important stretching is for your health: The Fuzz Speech by Gil Hedley ``Fascia and stretching`` https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TwAvT_ucjY&frags=pl%2Cwn
Here are more hints on stretching to check out. Veronika Campbell offers her videos for me to pass on from her YouTube series on stretches as long as you use good judgment and be kind to yourself: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaPezc02A_qgSa0MDwfNSQQ
So what else for physical flexibility? Ever try a foam roller? Here is a pretty good explanation from REI:
https://www.rei.com › Expert Advice › Fitness › Cross-Training
Breathing and meditation are of course the best for our emotional health, especially this month as crazy behaviors surround us; like seeing the headlights of the car behind you, SO EXTREMELY CLOSE for no logical reason??? I have lots of very calm yoga music playing in my car at all times these days.
Attached is one of many meditations that have been designed to help us during these current stressful times. Try this one, it is not like any other meditations you have attempted: https://www.3ho.org/3ho-lifestyle/health-and-healing/get-stable-anywhere
Here is another interesting meditation to check out: https://www.3ho.org/kundalini-yoga/mantra/naad-yoga-how-mantra-works/chi...
Or try any meditations found on www.3ho.org website under meditations and kriyas.
So enjoy family, friends, fun, and laughter, taking nothing seriously while planning Thanksgiving in a calm and collaborative sort of way this year. Stretch, breathe, move to music, listen to music, take your time, be conscious, and invest in your physical self and emotional self through movement and meditation.
Have a peaceful Thanksgiving and November Retrograde!

October 2019: Glimpse of the coming 2020

October 2019 is the month to step back, breathe, and imagine how all the events of 2019 will play out in 2020. As I reflect on this year, I am reminded about how busy 2019 has become. Is that busy life we live, that is so urgent feeling, actually more important than our investment in our own wellbeing? I keep telling myself that this class, that workshop, one more training event… are all wonderful opportunities to gather more and more information needed for the future. And I do believe that to be true, but I am hovering over burnout with the speed and intensity of everything. When is enough, enough? Or I should really say, when am I good enough? And so… I continue my meditative practice.
Last month, I wrote a sampling of some of the forms of healing of which I have been trained or are still training in and that could be brought together for a great healing opportunity. That is still true too, and I am receiving amazing responses from those who have had an opportunity to experience this culmination of work, in ways I simply did not expect. I remain insatiably curious about how to best serve, and to understanding the root of dis-ease.
This is a fortunate time for healing and learning too, as more and more healers are responding to the call of the openly solicited requests to be healed, as well as the availability for healing. More folks are awake to the understanding that healing is not only possible, but also found in a widely varied set of venues.
As this month of October comes to a close, stay in wonder and gratitude at the amazing humans who, when you may least expect it, simply cross your path with a beautiful opportunity to heal. This time to pause is made more necessary as we enter mercury retrograde at the end of the month. So contemplate and meditate on a possible path of healing for you. And reach out to those who heal. We are all at the gate of an amazing crystalline transformation and the profound betterment of our very human existence. It all begins with that still small voice of intuition found in silence, peace, and love.
Happy Halloween, be safe and I’ll be back next month.
PS: Don’t forget to look up Essential Family Health and Wellness for our evening line up of health related discussions. ALSO, please Join Ardas Kaur and myself for a four part series about Developing Your Own Meditative Style, each Monday evening beginning in November. Sign up soon!

Healing: Physics Perspective for September 2019

Many modalities of healing discuss similar root themes. Such true healing appears to require an understanding of statements such as “Be the Light”, “ Go to That Stillness” “Listen with Intuition”, “Develop Shuniya”, “Presence First”, “Get out of your Way”, “Be the Vessel”, “Healing is Found in the Silence” and many more.
I have been observing modalities of healing throughout my life, from purposefully being near a massive pine tree in my front yard that calmed me as a child, to discussions with patients who had died briefly in the hospital, but came back to talk about it with me because I asked. My life long quest has been to understand the root of health and wholeness.
In search of the root of healing over my lifetime, I had to develop a sense of gut knowing or faith in a technique from a workshop, path, or class that I attended and practiced. I had to learn to get out of my head, get out of my own way, to really affect change in the healing process of myself and others. NOT an easy task.
So, beyond my conventional training in Nursing, I took classes in Kundalini yoga Levels 1 and Level 2 ( https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org ) Meditations from my yoga Sadhana, Reiki ( https://www.healingsource.com ), Sat Nam Rasayan, (https://www.3ho.org/subtle-healing-sat-nam-rasayan ) and also Visceral Manipulation/ Neuro Manipulation from the Barral Institute www.barralinstitute.com who not surprisingly incorporate a method of “Listening” to help assess the body’s need for adjustment, a communication to the healers hand about a distress that affects the whole system.
They all required a trust and a quiet of my mind, kind of tricky to say the least for me with this wicked busy brain. But I have persevered and I improve in my understanding of healing every day by taking time every day for meditation and pause as well as continued workshops with those who heal.
So what about physics? Here is the really cool part. I have now started studies from a chiropractor in California who was given a sudden and profound understanding about the healing properties of his hands. His name is Eric Pearl and his site is: https://www.thereconnection.com Through his attempts to understand the crazy healing he was accomplishing, he turned to science and research to help. So here goes the science:
We are made of sub-atomic Particles that communicate and vibrate in synchronicity called Quantum Entanglement. We are also made of Waves or frequencies, which have been described as Resonance and Coherence.
Amazingly, we have access to photons in our cells that emit light to communicate within our own bodies and with other bodies, (https://drjoedispenza.net/blog/health/biophotons-the-light-in-our-cells/ ) . We can access this form of light through our hands and our minds, infinitely expanding that light out to others, even long distances. This field of light in others is sometimes called the aura, the chakras, or in Kundalini, called the series of 10 bodies. This light energy is accessible and emitted through intention.
The rest of our bodies are mostly made of lots and lots of empty space that holds infinite amounts of energetic information that is assessable by, guess what? being still, emptying our minds, being curious, and living with awe. That is the root of real healing: Shuniya (https://www.3ho.org/community/your-stories/shuniya-point-stillness-lifes... ).
So to serve in the highest good: Be still, curious, and be the light that shines into all, without attachment to the outcome. Spreading that photonic light leaves no room anything else and it starts with accessing that light within. Use your intuitive skills in that quiet space between thoughts to feel changes in your own body’s vibration and frequency before and when in connection with others. Breathe from the diaphragm, slow and deep, and listen to that still, small voice of wholeness within to heal.
To see my solo paper on breathing techniques, copy and paste… https://sigma.nursingrepository.org/handle/10755/558648

August 2019: The Month for Inner Guidance

August has just flown by for me as I write my blog on the last day of the month, what???? I found it interesting that the confusing thoughts and contemplation required for getting through July, seeped into August as well.

The Month of August, in the year of creativity vs burnout, play vs overcommitting, offers the power needed for great miracles and manifestation to occur. This is a time of wonderful opportunities to manifest on a level that has not been available for eons.

Indeed, there are light-workers/ angel workers, huge prayer groups, enormous meditation groups worldwide and from all forms of healing faiths that have independently been voicing hope for the coming time of higher consciousness and healing in unprecedented ways.

Certainly this is very difficult to see if anyone is watching the day by day fear inducing talk, action, and treatment of our world and all living creatures on this planet. The word out there is that much of this is intended to distract from inner growth and higher resonance .

In physics, the discussion about coherence may apply to our changing world. I am learning that we are essentially vibratory waves and particles that come together in an organized fashion to dance.
The lack of rhythm is incoherence like a musical band suddenly out of synch, causing the dancers to be confused. Right now that confusion is strongly felt by those who are seeking a higher consciousness and self-awareness.

So the key to getting back into the rhythm of our future world is to pause daily, breathe, remember inner guidance and visualize peace. Surround yourselves in the company of those that can visualize the hope and grand beauty of what is coming. This awareness is available now, starting slowly in the August month of miracles.

I was given the meditation below called Gyan Mudra Kriya to try when I was feeling one of my many bouts of emotional conflict. Try this one for 11 minutes a day for 90 days, it is really lovely and so wonderful before sleep. Rest well!

July 2019: The Second Half of the Year of Service and Community

Check out this sideways rainbow taken from my back yard today. So unusual and typical of this year so far… I feel this year has been quite a roller coaster so far. Got an idea and it evaporates, think you are going in a certain direction and oops…. going a different way now. Seems the way it is going this year but now starting in July, the second half of the year, some of that will hopefully settle down a bit.

I recently listened to a podcast about burnout. Not surprising, I learned that humans do better overall with hope and peace. Otherwise we have despair and fear to guide our lives and we lose our sense of equilibrium and control. Being overwhelmed leaves us distracted from our life purpose or passion and this leads to exhaustion. Exhaustion is burnout and feels very much like depression. We attain harmony in our lives by following our joyful passion and the only way to stay tuned in to that is to take time to regroup on a regular basis.

Perhaps the best way to be of service and heal others while remaining free of burnout is take a small step back in stillness every day to take care of our selves. Take time this month for self-awareness, self-care, movement, meditation, massage, breathing, song, dance, community events, and/or perhaps learning something new with curiosity. Remember, healing others becomes distorted when we are distracted by a sense of being overwhelmed. So ask yourself, what really brings you joy?

Keep up with finding fun in serving yourself and others, being discerning with choices of service, continuing the development of new plans and ideas with a sense of curiosity, and all without attachment. Get through this Mercury retrograde by quiet self-awareness and get ready for the fall when some of your best plans and ideas can begin to take strong form.

June 2019: Welcome Summer

Here we are in June, official summer, offering a bit of a scattered feeling and perhaps more energized month to get out on an adventure. This is the month that celebrates the longest day of the year, solstice. It is also the month of Father’s day with the values we place on fatherhood. In Chinese medicine we are reminded of the masculine YANG, in yogic terms we discuss SHAKTI, described as energy and power in service, and in energy medicine we talk about the balance of the projection of masculine in the feminine.

In some ways men have a confusing role right now as the universe transitions into the feminine energy. The rough and tough, bully mentality feels more awkward and less expected of the bad boys out there… But then what?

This is a great month to encourage and honor the nurturing of fathers and the kindness that comes when they are in balance. We all can offer encouragement for hugs, wrestling, fixing things for others, being there for guys weekends, appreciating the beauty and preciousness in what the planet offers, encouraging service, and Shakti power to be mixed with stillness and peace.

This month is full of dedicated days that can provide an opportunity for those old, outdated, unnecessary modalities of fear and control to be turned to service. Some of the dedicated days for June are: United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

I am on the board of a wonderfully healing non-profit whose mission is to help the survivors of those who took their lives due to drugs, suicide, alcohol. Visit www.ericshouse.org for more information on donating or volunteering.

This Month has lots of dedicated days for lightness and peace as well. Some of these days in June are: Summer Solstice Celebrations (3HO.org), International Day of Yoga, World Sauntering Day, International Picnic Day, United Nations World Ocean Day, Log Cabin Day, or International Take Your Dog to Work Day.
For more information: http://mentalfloss.com/article/584240/june-offbeat-holidays

Have a great June, find a way to serve with energy and power while making sure you take time to slow down and “saunter” in a relaxing and rejuvenating way…

MAY 2019: oops.. YIN/YANG Definitions are flip-flopped; Thanks Krissi

Happy May and the Month of MOM

This month seems to be a good time to discuss energy balance of the masculine and feminine in all of us. We all have within our core spirit a blend of masculine and feminine energy. The ancient Chinese, as early as 700 bc understood this balance in presenting the concept of yin/yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Balance is essential for life. Having a very one-sided energy brings disharmony and dis-ease to the body. And it is impossible to have only one without the other. The balance of the energies is described as Qi (chi).

Some examples of Yin energy are: light, sun, fire, time, activity, round, left, back, male.
Some examples of Yang energy are: darkness, moon, water, space, rest, flat, right, front, female.

The celebration of Mother’s day was described as an honor of women as early as Greek times. It was originated as a protest to war in the United States and that matches well with the struggle of war and peace / yin and yang, in the ongoing struggles for balance of life.

So how to continue the healing theme this month? Women are often not celebrated enough for the ability to balance the yin/yang of life as they nurture, teach, speak, listen, touch, grow, and heal.

So this month give honor and a warm hug to those who birth ideas, plans, dreams, hopes, passions, as well as birthing the next generation to help heal our universe.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: keeping a balance of softness and strength in mind.

April 2019: The Month to Celebrate Earth Day

In discussion about healing fully, there is a very well researched modality that is so basic that we not only take the concept for granted, we have through technology, inadvertently disconnected ourselves from one the most fundamental resources available to us for improved health and wellbeing.

Grounding or Earthing is based on scientific research that describes the ability for our bodies to rejuvenate by allowing the transfer of negative electrons from the earth / ground into our cells to heal. This is accomplished by exposure directly with the earth to utilize these electrons to neutralize free radicals that cause inflammation. These electrons are a source of the neutralizing power of antioxidants.

When our entire world is surrounded and protected from the earth through rubber of shoes, carpet, polished tile, paint, plastic, we now have a much better appreciation for our disconnected, scattered, anxiety ridden lifestyle. We have modernized so much that we no longer know that we have a simple way to heal.

How is this healing modality of the earth accessed? The most fundamental way is through the bare feet on the bare earth/ rocks/ grass/ sand. When was the last time you sat or stood outside with your shoes off for a little while? When was the last time you dug your hands into the dirt without gloves???

Numerous research projects have been working with applying a wire that connects the earth with the body. For more information and suggestions on cost effectively reconnecting to this healing modality and the research associated with this topic, see: https://www.earthinginstitute.net/research/

So on this month of the earth with Earth Day on April 22, 2019, please invest in your mind/ body/ spirit by sitting with nature with your shoes off and enjoy our precious planet while healing gracefully. Protect this earth for your own survival and health.

See you next month. Be well.

March, A Most Flower-filled 2019

March 2019 shows us as many showers of color as last month showed white everywhere. This month we see rebirth, regrowth in so much green, color, and freshness in our southwest.

This month I choose to discuss a block to healing: fear. As I was clearing out vast amounts of weeds in my yard, I fell. I fell hard, and have had time to pause and think about that. As I lay there, analyzing each body part for possible problems, bones, blood, consciousness, movement, I realized that I had nothing permanent, nothing broken, all systems go…. But slowly.

I had almost exclusively hit my face and head. I waited with gratitude that I was conscious, and then got up and started with ice packs. It took awhile for bleeding to stop, throbbing to back off, tightness to set in, and awareness of the whole thing to manifest.

My point is that I am fortunate to be very adept at self-analysis. What if I didn’t have years of ER and nursing experience? How much more frightening that experience might have been? What would I have done with this scenario with fear as my guide? Having knowledge has some advantages, but also lends to denial in some ways. I clearly suffered from a concussion although no loss of consciousness. Thick and slow thinking, I continued on.

So fear can be motivating, too much knowledge can be dangerous, and it takes a circle of trusted healers to make sense of it all. My circle of healers included those who could provide gentle manipulation of my head, neck, chest, back, face, and arms.. As well as confirm that my self-analysis was correct!

There is certainly a place for emergency rooms, medicines, lab work, surgeries, and radiology departments in order to find out more about our bodies in crisis. Perhaps though, those places are not as good at actually healing. Even so, they can lead to the beginning of healing by decreasing fear through analysis, fixing and repairing what they can. With fear at bay, we then can start the journey to truly healing.

What if we choose fear as the primary motivation to seek healing? I venture to say our healing process is slowed significantly. Our bodies are geared for assessment of fear and safety, it is our reptilian heritage and very valuable a times. However it can trap us in a circle of false trust for a modality of medicine that keeps us in that fear for many reasons. Not so healing there.

After the initial analysis, I recommend finding your team of healers, fearless and knowledgeable to help calm the nervous system, calm the fear and allow the body to heal. Acupuncture, manipulation, Reiki, cranio-sacral manipulation, homeopathy, massage, energy work. All ways to add to healing by letting fear go.

Please pause, take time to smell the fresh spring, and now that March has moved on, welcome to April.

February 2019 Snowy and Rushed

February 2019: the month that seemed to rush by way too fast… With all good intentions to continue to develop thoughts on healing, it seems I spent too much energy this month trying to push for a particular and detailed historic theme. And it just wasn’t working for me. I forgot the root of healing just as many healing modalities of the past forgot… So, I now surrender to reflection on the peace found in the weather and the wind.
The windmill in snow in the southwest. We sure did see such an amazing view of snow in very unusual places around Arizona, just for our contemplation and pleasure….. What a peaceful glimpse of nature beckoning for us to stop, wait, be present, and allow the feelings of nature with all its elements to envelope us.
What does this month’s picture represent? The earth supporting, the water seen by snow, the fire represented as metal, the air as the vanes, and the ether as the surrounding clouds. Those elements are called the five tattva’s. This is a visual expression of a healing art called Sat Nam Rasayan. A beautiful healing modality that I now incorporate into a blend of energy healing along with Reiki and visceral manipulation/listening to the body as it asks for help...
I hope you found peace and pause with the weather extremes here and found a way to have fun with the variety of visual experiences like snow and cactus, or the desert blanketed in cold, cloudy days. So this ends an unusual February indeed! Stay warm.

January 2019: A Creative Quest

Here we are in January of 2019, the year in numerological terms for enjoying friends and family, learning about new ideas without taking anything too seriously, and for lighting that creative torch without expecting anything to be permanent. Ready for paths and routes to change midway through a goal? Time to play with ideas but not accept all opportunities for now. Seems like that is how this January has gone so far for me…. And So, how is 2019 so far for you?

This year, I take a light look at healing. Alleviating suffering, as seen in a wide array of forms, has been a strong motivation of humanity since the beginning of time. With technology, we find lots of valuable information, but what is the root of healing?

In graves unearthed from prehistoric times and through observation of the aborigines’ tribes, there is evidence of healing and caregiving through involvement of spirits, environmental observations, plants, earth/clay, and magic.

The demons were often to blame and much of healing included curing the victim by removing those demons. This was done by perhaps adding charms, herbs, plants, clay from the earth, and occasionally drilling a hole in the skull to alleviate pressure of all sorts. That was called trepanning.

One human, named ICEMAN was said to have lived 5300 years ago and was found with a pouch containing birch fungus, known to be medicinally healing for parasites, that he was noted to have.

So for January, be curious about how you feel carrying around a special healing jewelry, or a sense of comfort with the aroma of oils/ food. Our ancestors may be calling to us to heal.

I will be sending out a separate email for a meditation workshop beginning IN February for six Monday evenings…. Stay tuned and have a great rest of this month of January 2019.

December: Miraculous conclusion of 2018

This December of 2018 is a month for pausing and observing our year, deciding what we have grown from over these months. It is also a time for us to observe our thoughts about what we have yet to understand as we move forward into a different energy for 2019.

Lets look at the number 12. In numerology, it breaks down to a three (as described in March). In this case it will also be a number for the anticipation of 2019 (12/3). That means this month is a sneak-peak for 2019 as a time for community, friends, having some fun, being creative/ artistic, keeping a positive outlook, AND staying clear of burnout, feeling overwhelmed, or depression.

The 10 bodies don’t apply here but in some texts about the chakras, the 12th is described as the universal multi faceted, multi colored chakra. Tapping into this chakra above the head offers the opportunity to connect with the universal consciousness of all. It is the place of observation of thought and what Cindi Dale calls Enlightenment (“Advanced Chakra Wisdom”).

The number 12 is EVERYWHERE! There are 12 months, 12 apostles, 12 days of Christmas, the 12 sons of Jacob (12 tribes of Israel), the 12 Olympians, 12 year cycle in the zodiac with Pisces being the 12th sign, chinese astrology depicts 12 animals, the 12th card in tarot represents meditation, 12 is a number of perfection in ancient history, 12 jurors, and 12 people have walked the moon.

And so we conclude this year of miracles in 2018! Did you know that some miracles don’t look like them because we think they should all be wonderful, yet these events end up on THE bigger plan of miraculous opportunities for gratitude and change. December is the icing on that miraculous cake of a year, as we consider our thoughts and ideas in preparation for the new year of 2019.

Next year (2019), I plan on writing differently. I plan to develop a narrative journey of healing by describing how healers of the past healed, and also what I have learned about healing over time. I plan to apply these integrative ideas from different modalities to offer an opportunity to heal-gracefully.

I will also restart offering an eclectic form of energy healing that YOUR body is requesting. I will be adding appointments at my home using a unique blend of Reiki, Sat Nam Rasayan, breathing techniques, Visceral and Neural Manipulation, ‘Listening” to the body, and intuitive insights all provided by listening to you. Stay tuned for more details.

Have a blessed and peaceful holiday this December, 2018.


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