March 2021: Active Balancing with the Breath

I notice that so many do not trust the health of their bodies, emotions, spirits, minds. Looking outside ourselves for answers gives us information that does not quite make sense so we question our minds.

We are getting bombarded with information that reminds us that our bodies are somehow flawed and need outside technology / treatments to be whole. Therefore, we don’t trust our bodies to be strong and heal.

One year later, with so much mixed messaging, we are now struggling with our emotional and spiritual potential and consciousness. Familiar life is not working anymore so that causes stress and anxiety and insomnia. Now we question ourselves emotionally and spiritually.

When we are led to believe that the answer to greater wellbeing is found outside of ourselves, then we are following a pattern that is old and outdated. A pill for that is not and really never was the answer.

We have passed a tipping point in our evolution and consciousness as the air element of the Aquarian times are at hand and still, we swirl from the monumentally rapid changes of 2020 which leaves us confused even more.

For March, we enter a very fast moving and intense time energetically. Imagine the physical body as a microcosm of the macrocosm or our outside world. Observe weather patterns, sun spots, earth movement, wind patterns and we can get clues about our physical selves.

We will find balance this month as we appreciate again that our physical bodies are innately whole communicators for the rest of our aspects of self: mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Key to this month of March is to take action by listening to your physical body and allow this part of yourself come into sync and balance with all parts of you and all you have been trying to learn over last year.

Remember to place your value of self-care on your daily calendar like a daily appointment with yourself: What time each day is for your physical body? The Four-part breath has always been my favorite although there are so many options out there. See for breath work ideas.

What time each day will you commit to flexibility and balance? Tai Chi? Yoga? Stretching exercises? Workout? Be mindful of your physical needs every single day. Take time to meditate. Look up Circadian Health to plan your day for balance. The more breath work (pranayama) and the more flexibility you can focus on at this time, then the more balance and wellbeing you will enjoy for all aspects of you: physically mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

February 2021: Self Appreciation and Self Care

Who was St. Valentine? Turns out there are lots of versions of this man (or different men), with the same ending. As I read through the versions, they all seemed to have themes of heroism, stepping up for what they thought to be right, healings of others, passion, and eventually martyrdom.
In these times, the ability to develop a sovereign and autonomous self in order to serve seems to have been stalled.
Fear is infecting so many, lack of voice is common, truth to one becomes a lie to the other, healing is not the point, experimental programs are now “ok”, and intolerance to any thought that you don’t subscribe becomes so challenging for the ability to seeing the light that shines in each of us. When we don’t comply with the loud outside voice, even when it makes no sense, then somehow, we are shunned. That lack of appreciation of independent thought, disrespecting the human self emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually is appalling right now.
This month of love must start with self-respect, self-love, self-appreciation. When we are in this kind of self-awareness, it is much easier to NOT be threatened by other points of view. No need to follow an outside collective thought and action, especially when there is no basis for this noise. Be still and listen.
Let us be alone with our selves without being lonely, try to see others’ views while respecting our own views for just a moment. See through compassion to decrease judgment. Find the spark between every set of eyes to bring hope.
Happy Month of Hope and Love: Sing, dance, chant, meditate, move, imagine, see, feel, breathe, get out, practice daily self-care, enjoy.

January 2021: Flexible Beings of LIght

Welcome to 2021: With every new year, we are guided to begin with fresh new energy and hope. With so much upheaval, suffering, and polarity seen in 2020, we naturally say good bye while moving forward with great aspiration. I felt pretty grateful to have moved from a reboot kind of year into this new year, believing that all the work of last year would show rewards NOW.

Some of my optimism stemmed from understanding that much of last year’s events held a spiritual slant among light workers around the world. Light workers, (and you know who you are), are those who have chosen to be on this planet to serve, showing the way, in some capacity, for the highest good for everything and everyone on this planet. Lightworkers have been working hard to heal others, and to allow others to see in themselves, the capacity to choose to be and become more awakened/aware. These lightworkers have banded together in the light, feeling, praying, healing, and contributing to that tipping point of awareness toward what is called the Aquarian times of peace. No turning back, it WILL be ok.

However, the lessons of last year must include appreciating that with so many profound changes, it is time to look at everything with fresh eyes instead of hoping things would be as before. Everyone grows at their own pace and to their own capacity.
Well it has been far from a peaceful transition and many of those who have worked so hard to share the light also became a little bit righteous because they work so hard to spread this light, so why doesn’t everyone out there see what they see?

It suddenly occurred to me that the light workers must shift now to be light-beings, not workers. It’s time now to be the light, see the light, carry the light to all because actually the work part is past. The healing of consciousness is in the individual choice of the presence, the now, the stillness within. So uplift and stand ready, shine the light, allowing the higher consciousness of those that want that path to join in as they are able. So Be it.

What does that mean for 2021? This is the year of the number 5 (2+0+2+1=5). Five in this form of numerology represents flexibility, physical health of the body, the earth, the surroundings. Now is an important time to reevaluate the foods and nutrients we put in our bodies, the toxins we need to be able to eliminate, the toxic thoughts that no longer serve us, the air we breathe, Terra Vida.

The planet will likely be clearing itself in many ways this year, we humans need to as well. Get out, meditate, move your body and stretch every day, eat cleaner, clean out clutter in your home, take a few supplements that are not easy for you to get due to poor food sources, breathe consciously and with purpose.

Take good care of your immune system especially this month and no matter what is happening outside of yourself, take a moment to see the spark in all individuals with compassion. That is a discipline well worth your time.

December 2020: The Ending and the Beginning

This month has brought so many twists and turns that it is frankly difficult to keep up. But then that may be the perfect design for the last month of the wildest ride called 2020. As we complete this year, I am reminded that we have been given cues over and over to pause, breathe, quiet the mind, be flexible, get sleep, learn to connect in new ways, spend differently, live in society differently, and seek peace through enormous pressure and adversity.

What have we learned? What part of this crazy were we born at this time to explore? It was already occurring to us that we needed to get off this gerbil wheel of environmental destruction, social destruction, life going full speed into the wall, yet how could we have known that we would have to hit that wall full on before we would be able to reboot? So here we are.

As we end the year and the planets align in a new era, it is time to remember what has been gained as well as what has been lost. Through many months of contemplation and reflection, I learned a fundamental truth recently: We can ask what the world/ life/ universe/ God/ society…. does TO us, or we can ask what these events/people/universe/ God… do FOR us. There is a huge difference in how we move forward with the use of these two questions.

What the outside did TO us leaves us victimized, abused, and wanting. Consider that “TO us” implies that someone else is responsible for our feelings, our actions, our wellbeing. And that if others behaved the way we want them to, then the world would turn on its axis properly.
Consider for a minute what the outside did “FOR us” and this thought inherently provides us with an opportunity for curiosity, reflection and pause. It gives us a chance to take adversity and grow on a very personal level. Not to mention prosperity, and a vision of a cleaned-up environment, and a chance for our children to learn flexibility through challenges of life, as an example.

So, what do you want for your new life in 2021? The answers certainly aren’t clear but the ability to adapt is improving along the way. So, I ask lots of advice from mentors and friends. I have taken lots of online classes, searched deeply for my own truth, asked help through meditation, prayer. I belong to a group meditation. I have a life coach. I ask for a tune up for my body when it seems to be too exhausted.

One of the events I really gain so much comfort from is Sangeet’s weave of numbers for each year. You may have noticed that I incorporate numbers into my monthly blog…
The online class regarding the numerology for 2021 is actually very, very soon: She will have her online class this year on Sunday December 27th (today). Sorry for the short notice but to sign up, her website is, or, if you are interested in taking this course too.

This is certainly an extremely difficult time for all, so carry on with compassion. Stay in a peaceful balance as often as you can through conscious awareness, and look with a spark of light and gratitude at all the changes, as a design upgrade FOR our highest good.

November 2020: Review and Renewal

On this week of Thanksgiving, I am always drawn to memories of my life and others who in so many ways contributed to shaping who I am. Not all good memories mind you, but certainly places of growth and no matter what, these relationships are interesting stories of the past whether they serve me NOW or not.
As these memories surface at this time, I am so grateful that I am able to find peace and kindness, community, and smiles throughout my life experiences.
I learned years ago, that the prefix “re“ added to so many words can be incorporated into a soothing and grateful memory when old patterns that no long serve me begin to bubble up. These “re” words have more and more meaning these days. So consider a “re“ word when you feel stuck in an emotion related to this month to begin our holidays within the new world we live in now.
Re-member: kindness that we are members of an all one collective of Human Beings
Re-mind: ourselves that our past holds gifts as well as challenges, so access the mind to steep in gratitude often
Re-view: that past with current eyes for vision and growth
Re-newal: time to embrace all these wild changes as a new chance for healing ourselves and the planet.
Re-juvenate: thinking of our youth through the lens of bringing back the youthful fun and laughter
Re-generative: repair of the earth as a way for human survival (see John Fullerton at
I hope genuinely that during this Thanksgiving time, we can all take pause, slow the breath and see so much beauty and kindness within our close family and our bigger communities. This moment of kindness and service found each day are the keys that open not only balance in our own lives but provide a shift to all in a wave of healing energy.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, however you choose to celebrate and take note.
PS: This Sunday the 29th I am performing a gong and labyrinth walk at
I will also be presenting on December 5th at 10:00 am in an open forum on healing the whole self.
Then on Tuesday the 1st of December I will be speaking with other sound healers about the benefits of sound for health. That site is Please see the calendar drop down found on to sign up for any of these events.
PSS: I am attaching a repeat of the protocol (by popular request) for THE current high publicity illness as it has been shown to have very beneficial results in my practice:
Vitamin A supports immune system at the nasopharyngeal and gut mucous lining.
Vitamin A drops (animal based): 200,000 IU single bolus or 10,000 IU daily for 20 days done twice a year decreases the effect of viral exposure. And continue vitamin A for weeks post infection at lower doses.

Vitamin C as ascorbic acid and best if liposomal ascorbic acid (you can make yourself if you are chemistry inclined) and doses up to 1-2 grams daily in split doses throughout the day. Vitamin C is proven to disrupt the viral replication process, decreases duration and severity of viral illness. Enhanced scavenging effect of white cell count is significant with vitamin C. Vitamin C also recycles Glutathione in the cells, further strengthening the cells’ defense against the parasite.

Zinc if taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms may shorten the duration of the illness. Its role appears to be in the ability to improve mucous membrane integrity and offer a direct anti-viral effect on rhinovirus replication. (children 10 mg daily). Zinc also improves the cellular integrity to not allow viral replication.

Vitamin D: protection overall and accelerates white blood cell maturity. Short term high dose (140,000 IU) significantly increased frequency of the T cell replication and activity. Vitamin D showed improvement in autoimmune diseases. Taken in winter months: significantly reduced risk of upper respiratory illnesses. Vitamin D and Influenza-studies showing seasonal drop of Vitamin D can contribute to increase viral illnesses, most ‘at risk’ populations for influenza have lowest levels of Vit D (Nursing home residents).

Magnesium and Epsom salts prevent one of the toxins from pertussis, and possibly from other viral parasites, as well as calms the nervous system which allows the body to build its own defenses. Magnesium and Vitamin C together have been shown to limit the side effects of viral illness especially with the MTHFR pathway dysfunction. Methyl B vitamins help the pathway to allow better defense.

NAC and Vitamin C recycles glutathione. N-Acetyl Cysteine or NAC inhibits viral replication & expression and acts as a mucolytic. At dose of 600mg 2x/day can help prevent viral illness and safe to take year around. To fight the flu or cold can go up to 2-3,000mg/day for several days. Very important for COPD patients. Increased levels of Glutathione in body are protective.

Acetaminophen depletes glutathione.
Ibuprofen decrease gut microbiome and decreases a major body defense.

Increase your minerals and electrolytes to support the cells - Minerals without sweeteners in water and broths are enormously beneficial. I recommend Phytomulti by Metagenics or multiple minerals in glass blue bottle from sprouts. Glass blue bottle and called Multiple Minerals.

Post infection A, D, C intake are important for a few weeks post infection to continue cell strength and integrity.

October 2020: Potential Peek at 2021

The month of October is a time of pause and preparation. As the leaves change, the temperature drops, and nature prepares to slow way down, we put our energy into a rhythm of closure and hope of renewal. It offers a chance for us to glimpse at the potential for 2021.

This month is a “five “month asking us to be flexible in our lives as we wrestle with so much ongoing change. The thoughts important to us this month can be a window to our world for 2021 (a five year). Imagine all our choices and potential during this month.

Let’s add more pressure to the month by entering our last mercury retrograde of the year as well as the last mercury retrograde in a water sign for the next two years. What?

These temporary shifts happen quarterly with stories about potential communication malfunctions in person and by computer. I guess that means this blog is at risk? Well, as I try to understand it, this particular occasion occurring in a water sign of scorpio, providing an amazing gift of heart felt intuition, insight, and instinct. The key though, is to slow our minds every day, open our hearts. Take time in nature, even our own backyards, and allow that internal pace of autumn to guide us to true knowing.

So, this month is especially important to go within, invest in minding your thoughts, increasing moments of stillness to access the highest vibration for the planet right now. What do you really want? Are you trying to control others’ beliefs as THE truth? Are you looking to the highest good to serve humanity?

This is an important opportunity to see clearly, feel palpably, know intuitively, the highest and best chance of optimum health for the planet and ultimately for the human race that relies on the air, water, food, soil, energy of the planet.

September 2020: Passion/Compassion and the Neutral Mind

When the world seems so odd, how do we take the opportunity to find a neutral hold and balance? This month offers that possibility. This is the month of seeking the neutral mind to access meaning in this year 2020.

To even attempt to look back over the last 6 months is still mind boggling to me. So much change and story: Not necessarily facts, but lots of dialogue and certainly passionate ideas, one way or another, are occurring as we navigate through our lives right now.

So, what happens with the passion in life when it is mixed with such turmoil going on all around us? For me, it has been challenging. I see so much disharmony and although my mind can wrap around the importance of polarity and chaos to give us a clearer picture of what needs to be changed, my heart is struggling with the suffering. (Thank you Sangeet for this insight).

Much of our future is depending on what we have considered most important during these times as we grow with all of this. Communication is now different, community is different, work, school, relationships, patterns, habits, beliefs are all different. It feels chaotic.

The word chaos is an interesting concept describing that, within the apparent randomness of everything we observe, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant and repetitive loops, similarities, fractals of unfolding symmetry, and spontaneous reorganization. So really, chaos is yet to be known rebalancing and we can use our instinct to help manifest from this unknown to what we DO want for the highest good. How hopeful.

With all of these chaotic changes, there are the makings of an enormous potential for a better lifestyle, better nutrition, healthier planet, clearer knowing, peaceful presence, and of course grace. It requires choice.

This September month offers a chance to be still in the moment, in a mindful meditative space, to take time to observe world with all its polarity, and with a neutral mind. This month then provides us with the opportunity, coming from that neutral mind, to stand for what we have learned over the last six months, projecting out our future plans with passion and compassion for our new times moving forward.

Be Well,
Ps: see Essential Family Health and Wellness for upcoming classes through December.

Also, see for a calendar of amazing events including gong, open forum, reiki and more. We are also having our annual fundraiser / donation drive: Please consider donating to
EricsHouse Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of those impacted by suicide, substance or sudden loss

Line up of Events for September and October 2020

I am not ready for my blog for the month of September but wanted to broadcast a lineup of events I am involved with, either speaking myself, or interviewing/ facilitating others in their discussion. So here is what I know so far:

Presentations 2020: At Essential Family Health and Wellness

September 16th, Wednesday 6:00- 7:30 Dr. Amy Novotny: Unique Breathing and Body Repositioning Technique. Dr. Amy Novotny will discuss how all types of stress in our lives have physical repercussions that affect our body’s pain, sleep, movement, tension, energy and medication use. In this group visit, she will explain how to calm the nervous system to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain.

September 29th Tuesday 9-10:30 Veronika Campbell, PT, MPT, CSCS, NSC
The WHY, WHEN and HOW of Stretching.
Most people know that they should stretch, but why? And most people don't know when and how.
Before or after exercise? 10 seconds or 1 minute? Dynamic or static stretches?
Come learn the answers to the above questions, plus learn what fascia is, and the principles of how to stretch safely. You will be guided through stretches for the upper and lower body and given a handout of the stretches.

October 8th, Thursday 6:30-7:45 Carolyn Barlow, DO
How to Decrease your Anxiety with Tapping Join Dr. Carrie Barlow at this group visit to learn an easy method called Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping, to decrease any anxiety or fear you may be holding. Dr. Carrie will demonstrate the technique then you will get to practice it for yourself. Not only will you have a
new tool to help diminish your worries, you will also feel more empowered to handle the extreme stress of these unprecedented times and beyond!

October 21st, Wednesday 6:00-7:30 Lesley Bludworth, PT, NDT-C
Total Motion Release: A Self-Directed Approach to Healing and Pain Relief Do you experience stiffness, pain, loss of motion? Join Lesley and bring your aches, pains and stiffness to a training that helps you help yourself through a series of principles and movements that provide a surprisingly rapid relief from weakness, pain, loss of motion in joints, and stiffness from eyes to toes.

November 4th, Wednesday 6:00-7-30 Amy Vander Linden, PT
Pelvic Floor Health and Ways to Relieve Painful Intercourse
Join Amy Vander Linden for a better understanding of the pelvic floor and pain associated with dysfunction as well as tools to help strengthen the pelvic floor and to relieve pain.

November 18th, Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm Kathleen Rickard, DNP Sleep and the Circadian Rhythm
We have many different rhythms that help us flow through our lives. Of them, understanding the circadian rhythm can provide a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. Join Dr. Kathleen to discuss tools to improve the balance of your circadian rhythm.

December 3nd, Thursday 6-7:30pm (subject to change) Susan Del Sordi, DO CBD Health Benefits. Join Dr. Del Sordi in learning how CBD works for pain, anxiety, and sleep.

Presentations line up for
See line up on their calendar at

Beginning this Saturday September 5th, 2020, 10:00-11:00 am
We will have an open forum on line discussion about any topic that is important to whole health. I will be presenting tips and insight about a health related topic based on questions offered by the group. We may include a meditation as time allows.
(Future dates are October 3rd, November 7th, December 5th, 2020 )

September 19, 2020 at 10:00 am join in on a conversation /interview about Healing Effects of Aromatherapy with Karen Janusz, certified aromatherapist.
I will have the honor of interviewing Karen about a personalized and prescriptive treatment for pain, insomnia, anger, and anxiety. She will give tips on healing through the use of essential oils and offer an opportunity for receiving an individualized healing recipe. I look forward to learning about this sacred treatment through an interactive interview with Karen.

For October, please frequently revisit the calendar at for upcoming events. We encourage you to join us for our annual fundraiser meeting (October 10th)..

October 17th, 2020 at 9:30 am, we will have a daytime labyrinth meditation (with social distancing) and being guided through this meditative ceremony while listening to the background of the gong.

We will be scheduling soon: New moon reiki sessions as well as full moon labyrinth walks with the gong. More to come.

Also coming up on Saturday October 24th, I will be interviewed by Amy Novotny online regarding the topic of Chakras. Please stay tuned:

August 2020: Stress and Mind Set

Here we are in THE hot month of the year, unrelenting hot where I live, and with that, another opportunity in understanding our stress. This is intended to be a month for accessing the positive mind with a focus on fun, sense of community, choosing service, avoiding distractions on our path…… that is a big assignment when it feels a bit more like a stress filled journey.

Stress is not all bad. It can be very motivating and productive. It can also be debilitating.

In research, if a belief or mindset recognizes stressful situations as negative or debilitating, then the primary motivation is to control, manage or run from that situation and place blame on outside forces.
If the belief or mindset is of a more enhancing nature, then that feeling will provide a sense of motivation. It will allow more room for acceptance of what is, and provide a more productive stress response to choose and act toward real change and achieve enhanced outcomes.
How we work with our mindset seems to be key to living a more productive and peaceful life.

Meanwhile we live in our world with our own set of illusions. Maya is a word that means illusion. The word was explained to me as the illusion of separateness or disconnection with the rest of humanity and the universe. However, to live in an illusion that life is all perfect, does not explain how we need to see polarity. We cannot ever have total bliss, perfect health, continuous success. To live without both mindsets dancing in the game of life, separating ourselves in isolation is certainly Maya.

In Physics, the Law of Correspondence tells us that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world – as within, so without. This simply means that what happens on the outside is merely a reflection of what is happening on the inside. What we see is what we get. An individual that is unhappy and living in conflict with themselves will often see and strongly react to negative behaviors they see around them.

So how can we navigate in this whirlpool of emotion and struggle with our choice of mindset?

One powerful way to build on the mindset that feels the best, is to take control of our own thoughts in the present moment. Ask yourself several times during the day, "what am I thinking about right now?" And then, “does this thought bring joy, or enhance my wellbeing, or serve my highest good?” Should the answer be something that you do not want in your life, then take a moment to change that thought. Practice one thought at a time. This will begin the journey of regaining control in life. It is a huge step in building lasting happiness, a peaceful life and living with a stress-less, empowered mindset.

Beginning in September, I will be speaking in an open forum on line: the first Saturday of each month at
Please check the above website calendar and sign up for or this free/ donation accepted discussion hour. Also, we are adding a gong/labyrinth walk each month at ericshouse. Please consider joining in for this outdoor lovely community opportunity.
In Peace,

July 2020: The Month of Courage and Bravery

Perhaps this month has shown you a glimpse of seeing the bigger picture, a tipping-point month by choosing to see the miracles of life. We just completed some pretty amazing and whirlwind cosmic changes like multiple eclipses, retrograde activity, and the most recent was an amazing comet named NEOWISE. Interesting about that name, who chose that name? New Wisdom! It was lovely to see, and I even saw a glimpse by my eye alone just after sunset near the big dipper. (Thank you to Luke Eden from Friends of Agua Fria National Monument / Dark Sky for sharing his photo for this month as seen from his telescope).
We have had a great opportunity for pause: What do we want? Who do we want to believe? How do we want to engage the world? Where do we want to live and work? What do we want to do about the precious environment we call home? How do we want to empower ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually? How best will we serve?
It is time to step into our courage and bravery:
Courage is defined as the internal strength and fortitude to venture forth and persevere through dangers whether real or perceived, and despite fear and adversity.
Bravery is a human quality that allows us to act and behave with empathy in an activity, even while feeling fear, danger, and loss. Determination to act in the face of adversity real or perceived.
So it is important to repeat: Bravery is being afraid AND doing it anyway. That time is now.
WHAT NOW? Check out this website: So refreshing. Then try any of these options:
1. Go somewhere you have never been and breathe deep into a new experience.
2. Take a class, learn a meditation and practice it, go on you-tube to find empowering ideas.
3. Eat clean and curious foods, just to try them. Lots of green and bright colored veggies and fruits. Plant a garden, even if it is a pot on your porch. Eat home grown fermented foods.
4. Rebuild your physical body, consider fasting to give the body pause and to clear the liver. And move your body every day, stretch, aerobic, tai chi, chi gong, yoga. See:
5. Rejuvenate your emotional body by turning off the TV, removing the addiction of staring at the news for all its conflicting facts and fear-based traps. There has been very little value there except fear. Consider a comedy every day instead: Laughter heals in so many ways.
6. Support your immune system: vitamin D3, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, quercetin, NAC, organic and food market foods that heal the gut microbiome. See
7. Keep up with community: zoom, phone calls, gathering with enough distance for your comfort during our re-entry.
8. Avoid controlling everyone else’s behaviors and engage in your own healing.
9. Commit to a limit on electronics especially at night when we need so much more melatonin. Lights out without electronics surrounding your sleep area… Electronics decrease healing of sleep and have been shown to decrease vital melatonin needed for immunity.
10. Engage and see kindness everywhere you look. Bright colors outside, focus on kind people who are all around you, remember the kindness in your own self. Check out
11. Invest in healing work: reiki, visceral / neuro manipulation, cranio-sacral work.
Be well, begin to see it now and move into your new life with bravery and courage…
PS, I am still treating covid, still no major long-term issues with our patients and still helping folks feel better with this bit of advice:
Vitamin D3 5000 iu: Please take two of these per day in the morning IF ILL for two weeks and then one per day. Otherwise take one per day.
Ultrapotent C ( vitamin C ) 1000 mg: Please take three to four times per day, spread out over the day for the next two weeks then once a day ongoing.
IMMUNE ACTIVE FROM METAGENICS: Please take one capsule two times per day for 3 days and then one per day if ill. Take occasionally if not ill. This is an amazing product. Following incredible research. provider code is krickard
Not included is melatonin: naturally happens when sleeping in a very dark and cool room. No electronics, no light so the natural melatonin from the brain can help heal. If not possible then you need to find melatonin at vitamin store not drug store, not grocery store etc.....
Lots of water, no other liquid. AVOID soda, alcohol, sugar, wheat.

June 2020: The Month of New

Have you ever felt sometimes that life is moving too fast while in slow motion? That has somehow been my experience this month. I am late to post this blog because it has seemed to be extraordinarily challenging to stay grounded. This is/ was a month for the reset: do we go, do we stay, which direction? As Sangeet would say, this has been a month for courage. And the way through this month has been service.
Service to self is paramount, and I am the first to admit that I forget that little tidbit.
So, what is needed is presented, whether I am ready or not.
In my case, my dog decided to attach her “dog sister”, why? I learned during a recent meditation that perhaps I refused to slow down enough so I was faced with something that would be certainly gaining my attention. I get it.
And I also had an opportunity to learn about ayurvedic concepts of sleep by the earth’s clock. Our cells are already tuned up for waking doing things by the sun. The moon, the stars, the seasons, the tides, and many other rhythms of the earth are also in play but the circadian clock of the sun is a guide to optimum health.
So, I am trying a couple things based on Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, director of Ayurvedic Healing
Wake up without alarm and with the sun.
Exercise briskly, even if short burst, before food and after a big glass of water.
Don’t be in a rush for food in the morning (intermittent fasting).
Last intake of any food is 7pm.
Melatonin starts kicking in about 9pm so limit any electronics: remove blue light for sure.
Bed by 11pm in very dark and cool (cave) room.
We live crazy busy lives for the accolades given in our society for being BUSY. Hard to grow in self develop while we spend our lives pleasing the outside world so much and proving to everyone how valuable we are.
On June 30th, I will have completed the 5th daily meditation lasting 1000 (thousand) days consecutively. That is for me, I am grateful that helps me.
Blessings to all on your journey: take time to slow, breathe, imagine what you do want with joy and gratitude.
PS: Beginning in July: I will provide energy healing as a one hour appointment at my workplace using insurance. This work incorporates Reiki, hands on healing, reconnective healing, satnam rasayan, visceral manipulation, neuro-manipultion and begins with listening to the body for cue to what it wants…. This process is very calming, and peaceful.
We will be bill your medical insurance as a prolonged visit based on time: If you are not an established patient at Essential Family Health and Wellness, I will be working after hours, without insurance, as well by appointment for a fee of $150.00. That is about what most insurances pay for this hour-long prolonged visit appointment.
See the address at my website:

May 2020: The Month for Mother's Love and Patience

This month may be most frustrating as we begin to move into action only to be stalled and put on pause. If seen from an energetic perspective, we are given bonus moments to be still, breathe slowly through the nose, expand the diaphragm and search within for the sparks of light, those moments of gratitude. Not such an easy task as we are all struggling with so much change, grief, and burden during this global shift in awareness.

What have you been gifted with that would not be possible normally? More quality time with kids, parents, or neighbors? More peaceful time at home? Clean a closet? Express an artistic talent? Garden? Contemplate what the next decade of life will look like?

What do you really want? Do you want to go back to that workplace that was not meeting your needs? Do you really want to ignore the planet and the abuse upon it? Do you really need to eat food with ingredients on the labels that you cannot understand? Are you ready yet to learn more about or move on from a relationship that is not in your highest good?

Consider avoiding the feelings and the behaviors that divide, and remember a most important thought: That which you put your attention to: GROWS. And here is our chance to plant the seeds that we want moving forward.

So here we are at Mother’s day. A day of acknowledgment for all nurturers whether we birth children, and/or aide in the healing of others and of the planet by teaching, being, loving, giving, receiving. Whether our children or our charges are nearby, or passed on to the other side, the love of a Mother never ends. Blessings to all who nurture.

And of course, it is important to include our planet in this discussion. I have a friend named Tera who has a clear and consistent connection with angels and energy ( She recently taught me a very important concept. What we think of as mother earth is an outdated and exhausting term.

We are adults now in our understanding of the care and nurturing needed for our planet, so we don’t need to wait for the planet (as the mother), to step in and fix things for us. Instead, we are able to act as adults in this context, and have an equal responsibility with the earth, therefore connect as a partner now. And as a partner, we can now feel better guided to own our power to protect our relationship with our friend the earth. Now we can nurture each other, what an amazing opportunity.

So, pick a piece of nurturing with our partner earth. Clean water? Clean food? Clean Air? How about a commitment to keep your bodies as healthy and inflammation free as possible through clean and definable nutrients from the earth? Good sleep? Vitamin D from the sun? Supplements that enhance our cellular strength under severe stress right now? And did I say breathe?

Welcome to our new and enhanced opportunity for partnership with ourselves, each other and with earth. Our greatest hope is with this collaboration. See the spark of light in everything and everyone around you, even if for just a moment, or during your meditation. Then watch that feeling grow. It is our highest and healing Mother-Love way!
Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day to all!

April 2020: Our Precious Earth

As we are all affected by the abrupt changes in our lives right now, what better time could there be to pause each day and assess our lives to this point while considering what it takes to reset our priorities.
When the simple process of going to the grocery store, or going to work, if there is a work to go to, is somehow more than just challenging, it is surely an opportunity to re-evaluate that which WILL bring us inner calm and peace. And with gratitude and curiosity, we can develop new patterns for our future right now. New aisles at the store to explore? New ways to develop prosperity? Important information about the health of the earth that speak out about?

Have you noticed how clear the sky is? What more can be gained from hiking in nature than could ever be accomplished at a gym? What if this universal shake down is necessary in the long run for us to stop what we think we need to do every day, and look again at what is important to ourselves, our families, our health, our world.

We are coming up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day/Week. What will we do without clean air, water, soil, foods? Yes, this is a time for humans to reset, but can we really afford to neglect the very items on the earth that restore us?

Does the topic of electro-magnetic field make us nervous? Progress is important for humans, but to what price? I recommend reading about EARTHING, well-studied research about balancing our energetic bodies with the electrical system of the earth. See: Yes, EEGs, EKGs are examples of how electric our bodies are and balancing with bare feet on the grass, ground, even cement offers an enormous advantage to healing our bodies. Maybe consider turning off your wifi at night, to allow the body rhythm to get back into synch while you sleep.

During this time, choosing to read and listen to mindful programs helps us get and stay on track. One of my favorite authors is Louise Hay. Right now, you can sign up for a free summit with many healers speaking on various topics related to finding your way through these challenging times. See

Happy Earth Day and enjoy being outside where everything is particularly fresh right now. ENJOY and evaluate with curiosity, your time of pause.

March 2020: The Month of Self Doubt and Accessing the Neutral Mind

I originally started this month’s blog with a warm wish for International Day of Women and then so much of the planetary fear has left me in confusion and worry, so I have been slow to write until I could become clearer. I have often given presentations on the mind, the facets and the negative/ positive/ neutral mind with tools on how to get there. Like everyone, all my thoughts start with the negative or discerning mind regarding safety and survival. All initial thoughts must start there and this month has been no exception for me. It has taken me awhile to see that part of my reality and look deeper for meaning.

The next phase of the mind is the positive mind which is neither good nor bad, just a coping skill. It belongs to the thoughts of denial, charge on, what action can be taken, is there a silver lining, perhaps what comfort is there in cleaning the house or taking a hike??? It provides us a sense of security and has lots to do with coping skills of our youth and of our ancestry.
Finally, with practice comes the neutral mind of “IT IS WHAT IT IS”. This area of the brain is non-reactive, flexible, adaptive and accesses the universal intelligence and higher self. It is here that we heal on all levels. And the most assessable route to get there is well researched through meditation with slowed breath in and out through the nose, holding breath with the shoulders down, calming the nervous body with purpose, focusing on the flow of the breath. This is a shift that happens through a part of the brain called the cingulate gyrus that is the gateway to the prefrontal cortex. AHHHH.
All of this calms the autonomic nervous system allowing food to be digested, rest to occur, rejuvenation, better and higher-level thinking (less need for toilet paper). So, meditate for access to deeper knowing and for gratitude, it really does work. This does not change the circumstance surrounding us, but helps the body’s immune system be in a better state to combat any physical or emotional threat.
Consider this practice two times per day instead of the constant hypnosis of the television. Go for walks, as this can be very meditative. Access your higher consciousness if even for a moment at a time, with access to your own internal message that is just for you, and do this often during the day and before sleep so the replay in your brain can have a different spin.

Ask your higher-self, God, Universe/ Intelligence/ … what is the message for today, what does it take to heal this planet right now, what steps does it take? What could be cleaned up right now, how can I serve? What can I see, hear, feel that offers a sense of gratitude for today?
Many Blessings in Light!
PS: Below is my presentation on immunity for those interested in some other tips to stay in prevention mode and proactive in health right now.

Virus and Ways to Stay Healthy
Kathleen B. Rickard, DNP-C, FNP-C
What is a virus? A microscopic parasite that requires a host cell to survive. Very tiny and different from bacteria, these microorganisms that carry either DNA OR RNA and a protein coating, can only replicate (copy itself) within a host cell. They can not reproduce outside the host because they lack the complexity of the cell itself. Once in the cell, the host allows the virus to produce RNA from that cell’s DNA. Then this parasite builds proteins based on the new RNA message. Meanwhile the virus with the now available RNA information develops a protective layer within the cell that the cell itself cannot destroy. Sometimes a second protective layer is produced called an envelope. The role of the virus is to deliver its DNA or RNA into the host cell so that its genetic information can be spread by the host cell.

The virus must first gain access into the body that has host cells. This is done through the respiratory, gut, or broken skin sites. Sometimes insects provide the break in the skin barrier. Some virus can replicate in both insect and host cells such as in the case of yellow fever, and dengue fever.

The Virus then attaches itself to the host cell surface. It then moves along the outer membrane of the cell. Some virus fuse with the membrane and push through using an envelope (HIV). Others are engulfed by the cell (influenza). Yet others burrow through the membrane (polio).
Once in the cell, the virus releases its genes, and disrupts or hijacks part of the cell energy. The virus directs the host cell to produce viral proteins, then creating conditions that allow the virus to spread, by way of mucous membranes, GI tract, respiratory system.

The Body’s Internal Defense
Physical barrier such as fatty acids, enzymes, mucus secretion, acidity of stomach lining and a healthy microbiome in the gut all keep these parasitic virus’ contained.

Innate immunity is a second barrier of the immune system cells such as NK cells, cytokines, macrophages. White blood cells consist of Macrophages, B – lymphocytes, and T lymphocytes.
Macrophages clean up invaders and the cells they destroyed. They leave behind bits of the invader in the form of antigens so the body can recognize the culprit in the future.

B –lymphocytes are white cells that produce antibodies to attack any invader antigens found.
T-lymphocytes attack the cells of the body that have already been infected. These cells are called the memory cells that serve as reminders if the invader returns.

Vaccines are forms of antigens, that when injected, sounds the alert to produce antibodies and long-term memory T-lymphocytes so that the disease itself will be rapidly recognized and extinguished before it takes over. The ever-changing virus makes vaccines challenging.

Problems with Internal Defense
Nutrient depletion leaves the cells less robust and allows the virus to more readily enter the cell.
The Gut inflammation from the standard American diet decreases the healthy microbiome and does not allow the gut to absorb enough powerful minerals and nutrients. This overwhelms the immune system as a baseline, likely delaying the internal defense.

Vitamin deficiencies, smoking, Tylenol use, ibuprofen use, genes such as MTHFR and COMT, fatigue, stress, sympathetic overdrive are major deterrents for the body’s innate ability to build and maintain its own healing mechanisms.

Defense against Virus
Passive immunity from mom until 6-12 months and is enhanced with breast feeding and skin to skin contact.
No exposure to tobacco gives the best chance for the mucous lining of lungs to provide a vital layer of protection.
Avoid all inflaming foods: soda, diet soda, sugar, refined carbs, “junk” foods that distract the body from seeing the parasitic virus before it has had a chance to overwhelm the cells causing a reaction.

Know MTHFR and COMT status: this digestion pathway dysfunction affects the detoxification process. More of the methylation is needed in this case:

Methyl folate, methyl b 12, and glutathione in the form of NAC are very important for the strength of the healthy cell.
Lots of dark green veggies, smoothies, green food pouches for kids.
Beneficial fats such as omega 3 fatty acids, fatty vegetables such as coconut and avocado, flax, sesame, olive oils keep the integrity of the cell wall healthy and strong.

Increase your minerals and electrolytes to support the cells - Minerals without sweeteners in water and broths are enormously beneficial. I recommend Phytomulti by Metagenics or multiple minerals in glass blue bottle from sprouts. Glass bottle and called Multiple Minerals…..

Vitamin A supports immune system at the nasopharyngeal and gut mucous lining.
Vitamin A drops (animal based): 200,000 IU single bolus or 10,000 IU daily for 20 days done twice a year decreases the effect of viral exposure. And continue vitamin A for weeks post infection at lower doses.

Vitamin C as ascorbic acid and best if liposomal ascorbic acid (you can make yourself if you are chemistry inclined) and doses up to 1-2 grams daily in split doses throughout the day. Vitamin C is proven to disrupt the viral replication process, decreases duration and severity of viral illness. Enhanced scavenging effect of white cell count is significant with vitamin C. Vitamin C also recycles Glutathione in the cells, further strengthening the cells’ defense against the parasite.

Zinc if taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms may shorten the duration of the illness. Its role appears to be in the ability to improve mucous membrane integrity and offer a direct anti-viral effect on rhinovirus replication. (children 10 mg daily). Zinc also improves the cellular integrity to not allow viral replication.

Vitamin D: protection overall and accelerates white blood cell maturity. Short term high dose (140,000 IU) significantly increased frequency of the T cell replication and activity. Vitamin D showed improvement in autoimmune diseases. Taken in winter months: significantly reduced risk of upper respiratory illnesses. Vitamin D and Influenza-studies showing seasonal drop of Vitamin D can contribute to increase viral illnesses, most ‘at risk’ populations for influenza have lowest levels of Vit D (Nursing home residents).

Magnesium and Epsom salts prevent one of the toxins from pertussis, and possibly from other viral parasites, as well as calms the nervous system which allows the body to build its own defenses. Magnesium and Vitamin C together have been shown to limit the side effects of viral illness especially with the MTHFR pathway dysfunction. Methyl B vitamins help the pathway to allow better defense.

NAC and Vitamin C recycles glutathione. N-Acetyl Cysteine or NAC inhibits viral replication & expression and acts as a mucolytic. At dose of 600mg 2x/day can help prevent viral illness and safe to take year around. To fight the flu or cold can go up to 2-3,000mg/day for several days. Very important for COPD patients. Increased levels of Glutathione in body are protective.

Acetaminophen depletes glutathione.
Ibuprofen decrease gut microbiome and decreases a major body defense.

Post infection A, D, C intake are important for a few weeks post infection to continue cell strength and integrity.

February 2020: Home and Heart Through the Lens of the Neutral Mind.

As I sped through January with lightning speed, I seemed to barely get a chance to imagine the potential opportunities awaiting me for this new year. I don’t think I even got a chance to develop a plan for this year yet. But then maybe that is the plan: float, be flexible, and develop a strategy for rebuilding relationships and our world, one step at a time.

Last week, I had the opportunity to experience a wonderful, yet intense, day of meditation and yoga called White Tantric. This is a sacred healing event of concentrated meditations and chanting, where a huge room of folks sit in specific lines, keeping a specific sitting position, and chanting together for either 31 or 62 minutes at a time with short breaks in between. Of importance to me is that three different meditations had the same chant which was I- WE- Wahe Guru. Translation? Wahe Guru means essentially yay God, or Hallelujah. “I – We - Yay God”. Perfect for the month of the neutral mind and heart in the year of new beginnings. It reminds me that this month and year are about inclusiveness, healing on a higher level, and all this instead of a “mine vs. yours” kind of fragmentation.

And then this week provided us with an unusually bright and shiny full moon called the Snow moon. It is/ was closer to the earth than most full moons, therefore called a supermoon. The moon affects so much of our lives including water. And since the human body is composed of a bit more than 50% water, why could we even question the effects the moon might have on our lives. This full moon time and throughout February is a perfect time to slow down, breathe, and be present to our neutral self.

So, this is the Month of family, heart, and home where we are asked to take the higher ground in healing these relationships, re-establishing what home means to us, developing and enhancing a sacred area for practicing silence, peace, the breath. In this way we can practice being neutral toward the chaos that seems to keep us distracted. Breathe in peace, breathe out calm. Enjoy the rest of the month. Happy Valentine's Day.
Check out both Friends of Agua Fria National Monument ( FAFNM), and Both places offer opportunities to serve in very different ways.


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