January 2025: Gate to Aquarian Intuition

This year of 2025 is called a nine year implying completion and letting go according to the world of numbers. It is the year for taking the time to really center and access inner peace toward raising personal vibrations. This vastly expands the universal energy toward the highest vibration and highest good for all. We absolutely DO have that power.

Outward appearances can lend itself to an enormous sense of overwhelm and will continue for this year. That is because of our attachments to the old “right and wrong” paradigms. No matter what you see during this year, step back a minute, maintain flexibility, and set sights on the very highest good: Demand the highest vibrations for all humans, the planet, and all living things, starting with the self.

It is so important right now to concentrate on the breath, physical wellbeing and daily meditative practices, however they present. It is imperative to find and maintain a glimpse of hope every day, knowing we are closing out old junk to replace with a new and amazing way of being. Consider literally clearing your closets, your own junk pile, making space for new and advanced ideas and thoughts.

This month of January is a 10 month of new beginnings. It starts with our own minds and spirits. Use this month to dabble in what you DO want for the next Aquarian 1000 years. Stand in your leadership and your will to see strength in the feminine and intuition. It is very much our divine right for males and females now. Be still and know.

This is the time to learn about this inspiration, understanding that this year will be rocky and bumpy as we close out old gunk. Try on new ideas, see what fits. And know that there is no competition about this, just simply the strong expectation for highest good and best for all. All else is obsolete moving forward., if we choose.

Refuse to see this time in a victim perspective of powerlessness. We who are conscious are indeed also all powerful. Hold this firmly in your spirit every day.

December 2024: Holding Space

As this year completes its cycle, I waited to write about this month, for solstice and the shift from the longest night to that celebration by most humans on the planet in an honor of the days again growing longer than the night. With that shift in the wake of the Aquarian times, I looked forward to feeling a sense of relief somehow, or calm, or peace. Instead I woke to a sense of agitation, nervousness, lack of ease… darn!

I expected that this month would be providing signs of our Aquarian years of peace and wellbeing to come??? Maybe that can be true as I observe so many good things happening in the world, that certainly media is not interested in sharing.

Well, now I am reminded that my work will always begin with me. And I need to give myself a break knowing that inner turbulence reflects that which I don’t think is good. And the outer world still has many more layers to surface and let go, just as I have more work to do within. And I will continue to alternate that frustration with passion. The key is to make time to be still and be…

So, in that inner quiet that all is going along as it should after all, I then can find peace. And I can feel better in this emotional game of life.

I hope you can find enough inner peace to appreciate that positive emotions do spread to others and change the world. Please have a wonder-full rest of December and find time to celebrate!

November 2024: New and Complex Energy

This has been a turbulent jump and jump start into new and uncharted waters. In this month of new beginnings (a ten month), we find ourselves delving into a most complex energetic shift. How do we navigate when opposing sides of universal thought are swirling in what might be disastrous to some and forward momentum to others.

Passion, true caring, and Compassion are characteristics of most folks on both sides, and both sides are weary of the fight if they are living with the vibration of the Aquarian times. Also, those who are in it for fighting alone at this point, are of lower vibration and dwindling in numbers very rapidly.

This is the time for all who strive to carry that higher vibration, and you know who you are, to step back when overwhelmed and just pause. That means, if needed, do nothing!! And observe.
It is important to know that those holding the higher vibration can learn to simply observe the lower vibration as acting out behavior. Notice these times, recognize the triggers that feel bad within us, and spend this time exposing our own internal insecurities with others’ behaviors, thus shedding the darkness within ourselves. Compassion for self, helps us allow compassion for others…

This by no means giving up. Far from that. We strongly, with strength and clarity, are in the most paradigm shaking times ever. That means old junk is surfacing to be cleared. So be ready to fill in that cleared out space of junk with powerful, futuristic energy like never before known. Not a matter of competition now, just noting that the old ways of pretty much everything are obsolete.

So embrace the shakeup of everything as we are setting our sites on the new world. Don’t be affected by the low vibration, stand strong like royalty, and insist that the highest good prevail.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, or like a friend of mine likes to call it: Happy Thanks-Living…

October 2024: Tying Loose Ends

October is one of the more magical months of the year, showing the beauty and depth of closure. Ahead of future rebirth once again… The trees drop leaves, plants pause in their growth process, animals find shelter and food stores.
And while the sun has been so very active this month, infusing us with power and sometimes frankly very nervous energy, the universe plays a game of hide and seek requiring us to be mindful and quietly alert.

This month is particularly intense in the closure department. This month, we are representing a 9th month from a numbers perspective, showing us a peek at the upcoming year of 9 (2+0+2+5=9).

How well have we been practicing our intuition and manifestation skills in this year of infinite possibilities (2024) in order to prepare us for next year’s challenges of living in gratitude and grace, let go-let God…. no matter what!

Have we practiced just enough regarding our ability to let go of life’s triggers so that we can now play out our intuitive talents. Can we trust in the universe? Or will we see the world as undependable, becoming confused with the mysteries that surround us?

It is perspective really, and sometimes with a sense of stillness every day, we can find peace in the subtle, the ability to close out old and outdated patterns, observe all the amazing skills we have honed, prepare for the new beginnings that lay just ahead after our month/year of pause and prepare…

I hope you find time for quiet compassion and kindness for 2025 and all those opportunities begin with a glimpse seen this month of October, 2024.

September (and a word about August) 2024: Pause and Reboot

Over the last 7 years I have committed to monthly blogs for whomever was drawn to read them, every month. This August, it was simply impossible for me to write. August was a 7 month that draws on self-doubt and boundaries as well as self-defining moments.
I found August to be a phenomenal challenge in that EVERYTHING was a priority. Everything was on equal ground in my mind for attention right now. Everything on the list carried equal weight. It was difficult to determine how to juggle the monumental tasks at hand for August.
And with that, insight was lost for the month. And before I knew it, we entered September, an eight month of infinite possibilities with lots of potential action plans …

At the very end of August, when I knew I had no new thoughts to offer for the month for the first in a long time, I was gifted, from a very dear friend, a reminder of a note that I wrote and gave to her in 2018. These words of wisdom were from many healers and sages, including from Bruce Lipton. I compiled this letter including thoughts from all, and perhaps a few words of my own as well.

I share this today as a powerful reminder of how valuable we all are on this planet at this time. I hope you enjoy the following note, thank you Susan for reminding me about this one. Have a blessed September and keep the energy flowing.

What to Do Now: Wisdom of Bruce Lipton
Kathleen Rickard, 2018
Each of us is living in a field of energy - and each of us contributes to that energy through our consciousness. Each human is like a tuning fork whose brain is vibrating at a specific frequency. Therefore, a whole community can vibrate in harmony. By definition, the collective community manifests an energy field that is powerful and palpable enough to support the individuals sharing that field. When you experience this energy, it has reassuring and calming effects that will make you want to stay in this field for your safety and security. And increasing the size of the field is clearly the evolutionary path toward a sustainable new humanity.

Fear and fighting and protest cannot build the field.

The Don’ts and Do's of Evolution

1. Don’t try to change other people
If you go in to change negative energy with your positive energy, it’s called destructive interference. You lose your energy, they lose their energy, and nobody gains anything in the process.
Do: Focus on yourself and finding like-minded people to create a community in which all your energies are enhanced.

2. Don’t try to change the system
If you charge in with your wonderful energy to try to change it, your energy will be canceled. You’ll come out with your tail between your legs, asking, “What the hell was that all about?”
Do: Put your energy into constructing a new system. If you build a better system, people in the old one will gravitate to the new one.

3. Don’t spend your life protesting
Your life is energy. Too much protesting will cost you your life, because the system is not going to feed the energy you need for your protests.
Do: Find out who’s protesting with you. Gather them together and step out of the system and rebuild. Use your energy for construction rather than destruction, and find other compatible communities. That’s constructive interference; when energies come together and multiply each other.

4. Don’t become frightened or angry or burned out
These responses create walls that block your evolution and everyone else’s.
Do: Create the best and healthiest and happiest experience for yourself—and share it with the community.

July 2024: The Month of the Meditative Heart

July has been a game of mental intrigue. Or perhaps better, a month of emotional intrigue. Wait, these are connected.

In yoga, this month represents the arc line. In ancient texts it is said that we have one arc line that surrounds our heads like a halo, and another that goes from shoulder to shoulder, surrounding our hearts.

So, are we able to get out of our heads, and use our heart brains to continue our process of healing? Can we be more neutral to the ongoing challenges of our triggers this month?

It is important to be able to put these triggers of our emotional heart into mental words, in order to break old patterns and let them go. And it requires us to authentically embrace our lessons, gifts and challenges in order to move forward.

What dreams have you been wanting to manifest? What part of the journey of this life is yet to become a reality? What do you want to create? And what in your mind is holding you back?

Remember to trust in the now, releasing worry in a neutral and observant way. This requires us to pause and observe.

Be at peace in the moment and if your desires are not moving fast enough, then know this means to wait a bit more sometimes.
So be still and listen in a different way in order to break the monkey mind spin of thought.

This is so important to be prepared for the divine timing of self-healing and the healing of others.

Magical and Flexible: June 2024

Magical and Flexible June, 2024
Welcome to the end of June! Where did it go?
This has been the month for choosing flexibility or choosing to hold on to the past. Neither answer is for right or for wrong, but the magic is in the curious newness and lots more fun as we move along, even as we remember the past.

So healing morphs into magic for this month. The magic of BE. As I joined family at Disneyland to experience once more the past experience of my childhood, my childrens’ joy and laughter decades ago, and now my grandchildren’ magical awe… I remember that this is a fantastic example of how to feel the pause, let go, have fun, and live in magic if just for a little while.

As healers we have recently been learning that our work is more about presence and less direct action, but that is a tough one with all the energetic work needed in the past for healing. Just for now we wait, accepting a job well done for now, even if we are itchy to get into action again...

Yet this month has been filled with a definite sense of pause as we observe with kindness how so many very difficult scenarios must play out. And in that sense of waiting, breathing, being patient, we are very much adapting to day to day shifts, changes, and flexible thoughts. This fluid thinking that changes at any moment is so important for our own mastery.

Enjoy the last few moments of June as we slide into the month of the heart and all that brings. So, for now, imagine the magic of quantum healing as we remain present for our next piece of growth on this journey.

Best to all,

May 2024: Plans and Manifestations

This May has been full of amazing and extremely fast-moving life events that continue to unfold even as the month comes to a close.
It is with a sense of stillness in our lives that we allow ourselves to be open to interpreting the potential gifts as well as challenges that weave in and out of our lives. This has been a month of fast flowing abundance when that internal still small voice has a moment to speak its truth, and then we listen before we act!

I am reminded for this month: a story of a gypsy I met who was a special guest at an energy healing conference I attended years ago. She had a lovely perpetual bad hair day look, wearing simple clothes, quiet, and looking like she would rather be back on the beach than speaking with me.
I asked her simply, “What is one thing you could advise to help heal the world?” Her reply was just as simple and continues to have huge implications for me. She pointed to my forehead and said, “See the spark, see that spark at the forehead of each human you encounter, no matter what”.

I have learned that seeing one speck of kindness where it is most difficult to see, can change the world around me. It teaches me to remember to be compassionate, and that helps me to be less reactive and boxed into my own thoughts and beliefs of what I think ought to be.

Energetically too, whatever we choose to project out to the world, will come back into our own field to be processed again... That is called vibrational coherence.

I hope this month offered some peace and abundance for you as we leave the spring season of 2024 behind, and enter the heat of summer.

April 2024: Creative and Curious Experiences

This April is a great time to explore our creative adventures and potential, which can be especially challenging as we notice that this is a month of real roller coaster emotions as everything seems to be moving so fast… Then we have planetary alignments, including our sun-moon-earth, retrogrades and conjunctions of planets, extreme sun flares… not to mention the crazy stuff the tv and media provides.

I am a pretty strong swimmer. Back in the day I ran rivers like the Colorado River, the Upper Green, the Lower Green, the Upper Salt, and the San Juan River.
As I was considering the energy of this month, I got a very clear picture of that time of exciting and wild rapids, mixed with slow meandering motion of the water for days and sometimes weeks at a time.

The anticipation of the upcoming rapid was so exhilarating. Then came the most challenging and sometimes scary part consisting of negotiating boulders, big waves, whirlpools, and strong waterflow reversing upstream, back eddies. And then the calm, regrouping and recovering, preparing for the next rapid a bit downstream.

That is a perfect story of life itself right now. The thing about running rivers is that I could not wait for that next adventure, the next turn in the river, the thrill of negotiating and then the stories that live on in my memory to this day…

And so, our world is always full of polarity and swings in events, moods, beliefs, gifts, challenges, like big rapids and gentle flow. Both aspects by the way, are always going downstream.

It seems today, that a key to life is to embrace the duality as an adventure. the next bend in the river of life with curiosity. Trust in yourself just enough to appreciate the adventure and ride it through…

I know this to be particularly important for me right now. Maybe it is for you too… Have a curious rest of the month!

March 2024: Inspiration in Action

Here we are at the end of March, a very active and energizing kind of month. I write at the last day, last hour of the month, why? This month has been in some ways quite turbulent. But not necessarily from the outside but instead from a deep voice of knowing within.

I understand that these times are empowering and transformational. I am very fortunate to be alive now to witness what I believe is the threshold of an entirely fresh and upgraded side of humanity. I feel that I have spent much of my life teaching, learning, being a mirror for the best forms of the human experience. Not always succeeding of course, not without kicking and screaming through the frustrations and challenges…

And now it is time to pause, step back to see the miracles of life unfold. The beginning of awakening to what the world is morphing into, the awareness of humanity to the unnecessary destruction of nature, water, air, each other, and knowing that those old patterns are not necessary to thrive moving forward.

So here has been my stall on this month’s blog. What do I do now? If am to be the observer, what do I do? The answer is to do nothing just yet. To wait, to hold energy, to see the spark in every living thing, to embrace the silence of the mind.

This month has been a month of divinely determined miracles along with the calling to act just as this whole year is about action. There is the conflict. What do I do? I be.

I hope you had a powerfully thoughtful month of March, and ready to lighten your burdens a bit for April coming right up.
Blessings to all in this month of miracles and divine empowerment.

February 2024: Conscious Creativity

Alrighty then! We have entered a new energy of awareness. Ready?

This month is packed full of potential with all the tsunami waves of world events, weather patterns, sun flares, star alignments, all bouncing our thoughts, our triggers, and also our intuitive skills. Are you better able to step back and be the curious observer?

The key for this month is to try to see both sides of a polarity, of whatever your attention is attracted to, all at the same time. Breathe in this challenge to see all sides simultaneously. As the triggering feelings lessen, then the balance of the neutral mind is enhanced.

From there we start new and fresh: New Beginnings. When this exercise is practiced for a bit, it becomes easier to feel the best course of self-empowerment within that previously viewed trigger. What?

The point is that this is a powerful month for embracing a new way of being by forging on with a new way of thinking. Seeing all sides evenly first, allows for true healing for unwavering inner strength, new adventures, more opportunities, faster manifestations.

What do you want with your new clarity? What does this new time in the universe offer for your best self yet? Let this month blend ideas in with your breath: in nose, out nose, with shoulders not raising, not moving, and only the belly moving to the breath.

Be still and know!

Year of the Infinite 8 - the Month of Completion

Welcome to this powerful and healing year of 8, providing infinite potential paths, opportunities, and amazing possibilities. This is an action year, with lots of energy to help guide us forward.

No matter where we choose to concentrate our mental, emotional energy, we will be seeing confirmation for those particular beliefs more often this year. Remember, be careful what you ask for though, mind your wishes and thoughts, and look for what you DO want, not what you do not want. This theme will be playing out often this year.

Problem is that although it is a great manifestation year for strong and sometimes fiery ideas, powerful plans, critical thinking opportunities, and entrepreneurial endeavors, it can also be a time that could drop us back into isolationism, one-sided discussions, and competitive arguments. This could stall our growth toward the continued self-empowerment work that has been done so far.

The key to evolving and growing into a best bridging year ever, is to first begin by evaluating what our work last year has taught us moving forward into 2024. Remember the tasks and assignments from last year? How well have we learned from observing and identifying behaviors that caused trigger reactions? How well can we process our own low vibration type emotions in light of these triggers from the past? Were we able to recognize these past emotions that do not serve us or others…as outdated and obsolete now?

It is time to step back from engaging and feeding our own negative emotions based on our attempt to control others’ behaviors. Instead, build in compassion and curiosity while practicing presence. Acknowledge that the boat we are navigating in might be too small for the upcoming waves. Perhaps decide that if the waves are too rocky, then it is time to choose a bigger boat with bigger, more flexible ideas to steer along in our individual game of life.

The best news is that we have a chance to be the observer this Month, as we begin our journey of 2024 with a quiet, contemplative month of January, a nine month. This is typically known as the time of closure, completion. Taking pause, regrouping our thoughts and plans, gathering our manifestations and hopes are all very important for this month. Preparing, then, is the theme for this month.

Please enjoy this month, giving yourself lots of space for a peaceful pause, taking time out for personal health, focus, journaling, and imagining with a compassionate heart.

December 2023: Personal Strength and Clarity

What a year of challenges! How has your journey evolved for you? As 2023 comes to a close, we can reflect on the opportunities given throughout the year, revisit our old and outdated thoughts, reinvent our passions, look deeply at our self-talk, address our family/community dynamics, as well as our perceived judgments of right vs wrong. Those paradigms whether processed or not, can be exhausting as they are exposed to us, especially through this year.
If we chose to take that deep dive with our stories, and continue to address our beasts exposed in 2023, then all that hard work in the mind is making ready for an amazing 2024.
Our ongoing shift in personal as well as global consciousness continues to give us more ways to expand our curiosity, observe gratitude, heal from our past. The eclipses of this season, retrogrades, sun flares, planetary shifts are all providing opportunities to be still and observe, then to continue on, gaining our momentum to manifest our hopes and plans for our future endeavors. Look to 2024 for enhanced and powerful personal strength, critical thinking, forward movement with intuitive decisions, as well as our ever more powerful link to infinity (number 8). The key is in the reflection of our historic story as we leave this cycle of self-doubt and enter a year of action on our new ideas and thoughts.
Have a peaceful pause and reflection this holiday season.
P.S. I plan on speaking once a month at Essential Family Health and Wellness. Scroll all the way down this website for classes: www.efhwc.com

November 2023: Gratitude and Grace

Who wants to think of gratitude with all that is going on in the world? Yet, as we imagine that despite the chaos, we do have lots of bits of amazing experiences to be grateful for throughout our days. Then projecting that kindness that comes from gratitude, out to the world, heal others.

What if this is true: Hurt People Hurt People and Healing People Heal People. (circa. 1959 minister). This saying gives pause to consider others’ distress and for us, to hope through compassion without judgment, for those suffering, no matter what side they are on, nor how different their ideologies. We have not lived in other’s shoes so we don’t really know why they make their choices. Grace provides peace.

How much of life is truly a mystery, and how much is actually a series of memories that we don’t want to see? It can be painful to feel deep emotions without any idea why they affect us so profoundly. Yet it is in the awareness of the roots of our own feelings that truly set us free.

The picture for this month is interesting. Who would have thought that a cactus could live with a pine tree in the cragginess of a rock, allowing both to thrive? Good teachers, nature!!!

What happens if despite the turmoil, we each develop a bubble or wave of gratitude that can then build up our own fearless boundaries and inner strength, then expand that energy by way of human heart coherence (www.heartmath.org) beyond the self to the world and beyond? That vibration will grow and change the world.

This month is an opportunity to embrace differences, come together in community whether large or small, let go (or at least set “stuff” on a shelf to gather dust) releasing the past paradigms that are now outdated.

It starts with gratitude this month. Start a daily journal, write in it daily and begin to count the number of items, even within the challenges, that are pearls of goodness, kindness and grace in our lives. Each writing, each day, will bring more of the same, knowing that what we sow, we reap, as my grandmother would say.
Have a very blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving month.

October 2023: Fiery Energy

October of each year shows a glimpse of the coming year’s theme. In the sense of healing, this month is all about power. It is an 8 number which is the number of infinity with infinite opportunities for those seeking such self-growth. And action.

This is a strong month and with awareness, can be a big hearted, in charge, critical thinking time for the advancement of true healing and self-empowerment. Or else, burdened by lack of awareness, brings a fiery persona, destined to desperately cling to control and power of others to make themselves artificially feel powerful, and at all costs too, without regard to outcomes for the greatest good.

I was recently gifted an enormous opportunity to deeply dive into yet another layer of learning about the blocks in my own world. In this case, it was to get a “front and center” view of being so very “different” from a very young age, and learning on a new level that what I used to think was different was really simply not understood by those not ready or able to hear. It seems that my work is just now becoming more clearly understood.

I have developed and have been teaching a 3 part series in energy medicine, and I am so grateful for the audience to not only be receptive to learning about how we really heal, but as I just completed the 2nd part this week, learning how amazingly aware and open this community is regarding this energy work.
It is with great joy that I watched the start of second class bringing these folks together in a fabulous sense of humor, light hearted feeling, laughter and community of “closet” energy healers that somehow also forgot they had permission to explore the real future of medicine.
I enjoy using my gifts that at another time, not long ago, I would have kept hidden because of feeling so different. Crossing fingers that part 3 is as enjoyable as the last two for all……

Despite the turmoil everywhere we look, devastation to so many lives, it is hugely important in my opinion that we each link to the mystery of this Aquarian times and step back, know who we are as healers, and begin by blessing each person to help them see their own spark of light. It seems that the human burden of generations upon generations of fear, lack of self-control, lack of self-autonomy, and lack self-awareness must be intensely painful for all involved.

A couple take home tidbits from energy medicine:
1. What we put out in thought and emotion, comes back to us in abundance
2. To that which we give our power, becomes our predominant thought
3. That which we give attention to grows
4. Healers living in higher and steadier vibration and presence more often, not only emanate that energy outward to heal but are also buffered from the energy of negativity sent out by others. That means if we are solid and neutral or in “coherence” we both heal and are protected for doing so (heart coherence).

It seems that per quantum physics: if we spend energy trying to fix things, we are not as strong, therefore more vulnerable, than if we step back, observing and placing ATTENTION not intention to powerful healing.
All great stuff based on great minds studying vibrational/ energy healing modalities.
May your month of October be a self-aware and self-empowered time for the highest good!
PS: I recently did a podcast on compassion fatigue with Mathew Blades in his work on “Learnfrompeoplewholivedit” Attached is the podcast on YouTube. It is also on spotify, apple, and I-heart. I hope you enjoy.



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